I bought the Xbox 360 when it was first launched in 2005. This will be my 3rd 360 and my last.
Now, the Xbox 360 is an awesome piece of hardware, with many top quality games, Gears of War 2, and Halo 3 to name a few. And its Xbox Live and achievement features are second to none. But, like many other gamers, as well as owners of this system, there has always been that nagging question in the back of my mind - "Which system has better graphics,the Xbox 360 or the PS3? And so to find the answer, I went out and bought a PS3 and the games Brutal Legend, Dante's Inferno, and Darksiders for both systems.
As you are already aware, the 360 is equipped and limited to a DVD drive that up scales movies as well as games to HD quality. The PS3 on the other hand comes with a Blu Ray player that also up scales regular movies to HD quality. However, when it comes to games, the PS3 has the upper hand in the graphics department. Simply put, since the games for the PS3 are all blu ray discs, which can in fact store a lot more data than regular DVDs, they are currently being displayed on the PS3 in full 720p/1080p HD which made Brutal Legend on my 360 look like a flat, washed out cartoon.
Now when I played Dante's Inferno, and Darksiders,the PS3 versions won hands down since the graphics from these games were noticeably more textured and realistic. Also, playing the PS3 games gave me more of a sense of "being in the game" since its graphics are so much more intense and did I say realistic? For example, in Dante Inferno, water looks like actual water on the PS3, while the same water appeared to be depleted of some effects on the Xbox 360.
But why is this you ask? Well after some research I found the reason. The majority of developers with EA leading the way, have chosen the PS3 has their system of choice for game creation. So they will use the PS3 to design the games and port them down to the Xbox 360. The only time this does not happen is when the games are done exclusively for either the 360 or PS3.
So I found my answer, and now so have you. I have already begun replacing my entire Xbox 360 library with PS3 titles as I make the PS3 my primary gaming machine. And the 360? Well, I will keep it for its exclusive titles, and achievements. But, for me the PS3 is the way to go for games.
I thought that the PS3 fanboys ranted that the reason multi plat games looked better on the 360 because they were ported over to the PS3, while the 360 was the starting platform. Now I guess this doesn't apply. I simply don't see any differences in the graphics of multiplatform games, and if so, they are minor, and not a major factor. I will buy me a PS3 here shortly, but mainly due to the exclusives that are now rolling out, and not because a texture looks slightly better.
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