I can see why more people bought the 360 in 2006 and 2007. But now, in 2008, I can't understand why people would choose the 360 over the PS3. It's like choosing HD DVD vs. Blu-ray. The facts and reasons are so clear. The advantages the 360 had over the PS3 seem to be vanishing or have vanished altogether. Worse, the disadvantages have become more apparent.
The 360 no longer enjoys the following advantages:
1. Multiplatform games were better on the 360. In 2008, this is no longer true. According to Gamepro, after analyzing the last 4 major mulitplats, recent multiplats are better on the PS3.
2. Monthly world-wide sales. In 2008, this is no longer true. The PS3 even sold more in the USA in January, and most likely in February, too.
3. Exclusive games were better on the 360. In 2008, smart money says the PS3 will have bigger, better exclusives.
4. HD movies capability. Now with HD DVD dead, there's no way to watch 1080p HD movies. The PS3 is widely considered the best Blu-ray player.
5. Positive press. In 2006 and 2007, the 360 seemed to have a lot of positive press while the PS3 had to endure many negative attacks. In 2008, it's the PS3 that seems to have a better press.
6. In 2006 and 2007, retailers like Best Buy usually encouraged their customers to buy the 360 because it had more games. In 2008, however, there are reports, it seems reasonable to me, that Best Buy and other retailers prefer to sell the PS3 instead of the 360, because by selling the PS3, they can also expect customers to buy Blu-ray movies and other HD products, like TVs.
7. Rumbe. Last year, the 360 had rumble but the PS3 didn't. This year, the PS3 added rumble. With motion sensing, controller advantage now goes to the PS3.
The 360's disadvantages remain and are now more apparent:
1. Lack of disk space by using DVD9. In 2008, developers no longer need to spend much time creating game engines. Now they can spend more time creating content, lots of content. The PS3's Blu-ray becomes more and more useful. Apprently, Metal Gear Solid 4 uses ALL of the 50 gig in Blu-ray. Imagine that. DVD9 has only 8.5 gigs.
2. Processing power. In 2006 and 2007, the 360 seems to more than hold its own vs. the PS3 in terms of game graphics. Now in 2008, developers, especially Sony's first party ones, seem more determined to take advantage of the Cell processor to make kick-ass games. The PS3's cell processor allows Insomniac to create amazing graphics with large enviroments and 60 players on-line. Likewise, Kilzone 2 seems to show how the PS3's power cannot be matched by any game on the 360.
3. Reliability issues. Still a major, major problem for the 360. Every day, it seems, someone make a post that their 360 has reliabilty issues like the Red Ring of Death or Disk read problems. Towards the end of this year, when many 360s start to run out of warranty, expect hear an uproar from angry gamers.
4. The 360 continues to be the most anti-casual of the 3 consoles. LIVE fees must be paid to play online and it's best games usually require online play. The best games on the 360, too are hard-core. After 5 years of ownership, LIVE fees will add up to $250, which means it costs more to own the 360, which can't even play Blu-ray! As such, analysts are predicting that Wii owners will move up to the PS3 instead of the 360. Also, the PS3's built-in Blu-ray will certainly help with the casuals.
5. Noise. To some it doesn't matter. To others it does. The 360 is very noisy compared to the PS3. This makes it less likely for Microsoft to make the Blu-ray add-on for the 360. What happens during the silent part of the game or movie, and you hear this buzzing noise from the 360?
6. Lack of built-in hard disk drives for all consoles. This becomes an issue for games that can take advantage of disk-drives. I for one, would rather spend 20 minutes or so installing a game if it means significantly less loading times later on. Devil May Cry 4 is an example. Surely, more developers will take advantage of the disk drive more later on.
So, I ask: Does anyone still think the 360 is a better buy than the PS3? I think if you care about your friends or relatives, you should recommend the PS3 and not the 360, unless you friends only want to play exclusive games on the 360 AND can afford the LIVE fees AND don't mind dealing with reliability issues.
The choice between the 360 vs. the PS3 is similar to the choice between HD DVD and Blu-ray. The facts and reasons suggest that Blu-ray is a better buy. Now, it IS the better buy. HD DVD is dead.
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