READ FIRST, PLEASE. This is about GameTrailer's insanely stupid comparison videos, this thread is not so that cows and lemmings can fight over graphics!
Anyway, do they even do these comparisons anymore, ever since they were busted for faking it? I haven't seen one for a while, and Madden 09 still doesn't have one and I was fully expecting it.
Also, what did everyone think of these? Personally, I thought they were bad because GT didn't turn on any of the PS3's enhanced color graphics settings (and you wonder why everyone always thought PS3 had worse colors, it was because GT didn't turn the "Full Color Range" option on in PS3's Display Settings). In fact, I even emailed the web editors about it, and they replied far more straightforward than i expected:
I don't know for sure what our settings were but we like to leave them at the defaults instead of tinkering with it to make it look as good as it can. We believe it's more fair to both consoles to leave the settings alone rather than give one an advantage by changing the settings to give it an advantage. Games are ideally designed to look good without you having to poke around in your display settings. Thanks for letting us know about that though.
Ryan Cramer
Lead Programmer | GameTrailers.comGameTrailers
Well Ryan, If you're going to leave them at the defaults, you might as well film both consoles running at 480i, because technically changing their output to 1080p is "tinkering with the settings", is it not? Also, look at that next line I bolded, and the sentence after it. That's basically like saying "Hey, the display settings on my TV are at 0 for color saturation, so my game is black and white. But hey, games are ideally designed to look good without having to poke in my display settings right?" If a console has the option, enable it!
Everyone's thoughts on this, please?
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