@drlostrib: Priceless. Dude is one of the most toxic posters on this board. Thankfully their numbers are dwindling.
@drlostrib: Priceless. Dude is one of the most toxic posters on this board. Thankfully their numbers are dwindling.
@drlostrib: I never saw boxrekt calling people names or alts. He only call them sheep, hermit or lemmings. I'm sorry.
then you're not looking very hard
Legit called @xhawk27 a cuck...lol.
"you cheerleaded for them saying, "gens are dead" like a cuck, THIS is your result!"
Also said he was a "lol because those games ARE current gen you AAA starved xbot muppet."
He calls people who enjoy Xbox "brainless xbox fanboys."
Called @fedor a dimwit...lmfao. "I never said they didn't pay dimwit."
Also said this to him in the same post "Fact: You're still an insecure dork."
And this is just from a few days ago...lol.
Oh really? I know both of there post history so I don't need anyone to assist me with knowing what affiliation they are but I digress.
So what am I according to you guys?
A Cow
Because your post has always been for Sony, and you always get salty when I call out Sony.
lol ok and YOU always been for MS and get angry when Sony fans say negative things about xbox and call MS out.
I thought I was on the right track but you just confirmed it for me, appreciate it.
lol not sure why the other xbox fanboys felt the need to defend you against being a lemming when your own reasoning for calling me cow validates me calling you a lemming. The same goes for @MonsieurX
It's nothing new, I'm used to fanboys being are liars and hypocrites but I'm glad YOU clarified this for the rest of those confused xbox fanboys who were breaking their neck to say you weren't a lemming when you are one by you own definition (as is @MonsieurX.)
Not sure how certain xbox fans got the idea they get to decide when xbox fans can be excused from being called xbox fans just so they can act like even more rabid xbox fans.
Sorry that's not how it goes.
Thanks educating those other 2 lemmings on how this all works.
Oh really? I know both of there post history so I don't need anyone to assist me with knowing what affiliation they are but I digress.
So what am I according to you guys?
A Cow
Because your post has always been for Sony, and you always get salty when I call out Sony.
lol ok and YOU always been for MS and get angry when Sony fans say negative things about xbox and call MS out.
I thought I was on the right track but you just confirmed it for me, appreciate it.
lol not sure why the other xbox fanboys felt the need to defend you against being a lemming when your own reasoning for calling me cow validates me calling you a lemming. The same goes for @MonsieurX
Didn't you earlier say that you don't care to commit specific users actions to memory. But now you're saying that you know that FireEmblemMan (and I guess MonsieurX) have always been for MS, and always get angry about xbox hate?
@FireEmblem_Man: nah, boxrekt don't like Xbox is all, it's pretty clear in his name. I don't like Xbox too, I like Sony and Nintendo. What am I? A cowsheep?
It's easy not to like the Xbox, it has no content whatsoever that makes it worth getting.
I actually don't have anything against Xbox box. It's just a soulless video game brand. My issue is with MS and their shitty anti-gaming policies, anti-consumer attitude and destructive console gaming pursuits.
Because your post has always been for Sony, and you always get salty when I call out Sony.
lol ok and YOU always been for MS and get angry when Sony fans say negative things about xbox and call MS out.
I thought I was on the right track but you just confirmed it for me, appreciate it.
lol not sure why the other xbox fanboys felt the need to defend you against being a lemming when your own reasoning for calling me cow validates me calling you a lemming. The same goes for @MonsieurX
Didn't you earlier say that you don't care to commit specific users actions to memory. But now you're saying that you know that FireEmblemMan (and I guess MonsieurX) have always been for MS, and always get angry about xbox hate?
Those posters have LITERALLY been talking to me in THIS thread, what is this "memory" you're referring to?
lol you keep reaching making stupid posts like this that point out how desperate and obsessed you are to have an argument with me.
Are you ok?
You need to get a life and stop holding angry fanboy hostility toward faceless posters on a video game board.
That's another fail for you.
@boxrekt: Dude...shut the fvck up...lmao. You lash out and call anyone a lem for not agreeing with you or even having a slightly different opinion than yours. You deserve the insults and attacks you get; you come off so aggressive with your comments that the only time you're calm is when you're agreeing with your fellow cows; especially QuadKnight (Son-Goku)
lol well that's just a lie.
You are just as bad as the other guy about stalking. You saying I deserve insults and attacks shows what kind of deranged fanboy you are. Way to project yourself.
You're not really level headed enough to talk about anyone with the nonsenes you're spewing in your post. Everything you're trying to say about me literally reflects how much of a fanboy you are.
"You deserve the attacks you get" at this point your entire post became irony!
See, that right there shows you are the one who needs to shut up.
It's a video game board clown. You don't know me or affect my life and vice versa, but I deserve attacks? Grow TF up kid.
That's not surprising tbh, a lot of people get angry here when you mock their platform of choice and start calling you names and saying you're an alt hoping this will discredit you somehow. Those snowflakes are laughable, I pity them.
This is hilarious as post #10 in this very thread is YOU replying to me first with your projection of sALT, you got rekt little alt.
It is funny seeing you 2 (maybe its the same person) nut hugging each other to make each other feel better lol.
Because your post has always been for Sony, and you always get salty when I call out Sony.
lol ok and YOU always been for MS and get angry when Sony fans say negative things about xbox and call MS out.
I thought I was on the right track but you just confirmed it for me, appreciate it.
lol not sure why the other xbox fanboys felt the need to defend you against being a lemming when your own reasoning for calling me cow validates me calling you a lemming. The same goes for @MonsieurX
Didn't you earlier say that you don't care to commit specific users actions to memory. But now you're saying that you know that FireEmblemMan (and I guess MonsieurX) have always been for MS, and always get angry about xbox hate?
Those posters have LITERALLY been talking to me in THIS thread, what is this "memory" you're referring to?
lol you keep reaching making stupid posts like this that point out how desperate and obsessed you are to have an argument with me.
Are you ok?
You need to get a life and stop holding angry fanboy hostility toward faceless posters on a video game board.
That's another fail for you.
nah, it's more a failure on your part because of your actions. Neither of them have said much of anything in this thread about MS. But even though you say you don't commit other users actions to memory, you claim to also know how they always act.
perhaps if you weren't always blinded by your fanboy rage, you wouldn't have these failures.
I got a year of Game Pass thanks to Mandzilla... However, I dunno how it works with the transition to PC Game Pass, as I can't download the games added to GP anymore.
game pass for xbox and game pass for PC are separate. The ultimate subscription includes both plus gold. There was a thing where you could subscribe to ultimate for $1 and it would convert all your remaining GP+XBL gold time to gamepass ultimate (Xbox GP+ PC GP+ XBLG)
game pass for xbox and game pass for PC are separate. The ultimate subscription includes both plus gold. There was a thing where you could subscribe to ultimate for $1 and it would convert all your remaining GP+XBL gold time to gamepass ultimate (Xbox GP+ PC GP+ XBLG)
The GP I had, allowed me to download the select few titles on PC (which is now expanding.) I played CD3 via GP on PC... I guess i'll just have to re-sub.
I entered the code via the Windows Store and redeemed the year. It's cheap on PC, so it's not the end of the world.
game pass for xbox and game pass for PC are separate. The ultimate subscription includes both plus gold. There was a thing where you could subscribe to ultimate for $1 and it would convert all your remaining GP+XBL gold time to gamepass ultimate (Xbox GP+ PC GP+ XBLG)
The GP I had, allowed me to download the select few titles on PC (which is now expanding.) I played CD3 via GP on PC... I guess i'll just have to re-sub.
I entered the code via the Windows Store and redeemed the year. It's cheap on PC, so it's not the end of the world.
If it was the original game pass, i think that only let you access play anywhere titles. The Gamepass for PC library i think is curated separately from the xbox one
If it was the original game pass, i think that only let you access play anywhere titles. The Gamepass for PC library i think is curated separately from the xbox one
That's exactly it... Just found it myself lol. I'll just resub, because they have Exodus and things on GP, and I don't wanna give Epic mah mulah.
It's a rental service and I will never like that. Even worse, it's a digital rental service.
I like to pick the games that I want and own them physically therefore Gamepass has no value to me.
It's a rental service and I will never like that. Even worse, it's a digital rental service.
I like to pick the games that I want and own them physically therefore Gamepass has no value to me.
I'm largely the same, but it's solid for games that you aren't sure you'd like, so you don't wanna drop the $90... In Canada. I used Origin Premier for access to Anthem (lol,) but I got access to a bunch of other games that I could install and go nuts.
That's not what I said.
It's not my fault that you can't see past your fanboyism to actually read and comprehend what I wrote in the post. Get your head out of MS's ass and maybe you'll be able to give a rational replay.
Also, to the games you listed:
Already addressed! Shows you didn't read and comprehend my post.
Devs put their games on GP for 3 reasons:
I don't buy games for the sake of having them or JUST because they are cheap. I buy games because I feel they will give me a worthwhile experience, PERIOD.
If I don't feel a game will give me a quality experience, I wont even bother no matter the price.
You've coming to me with a fanboy angle talking out your ass when my view point has nothing to do with me "hating xbox" dope.
You HEAVILY implied it my dude. And going by your post history, it's not a stretch.
Also, it seems that YOU are the one who failed to understand. Some of those games like Metro Exodus are new additions. MS is adding more than just what you said.
Also, I'm far form a fanboy. Do I lean more on Xbox? Yes I do. But am I fanboy? Far from it. I'm actually gonna buy a Switch and a PS4 Pro eventually for Spiderman, HZD, and Uncharted. I want to embrace the the other brand. Unlike you, who seems to hate everything Xbox.
That's YOUR bad!
I never implied that.
I heavily implied MS's, The company (not the xbox brand), actions with the kinds of games they're using their money to create is what I hated and disapprove of.
You took it as a fanboy because fanboys can only think in a fanboy manner.
REREAD MY POST without fanboy goggles.
All I'm hearing from you is whaa "you hate xbox". None of that shit was in my post, it was 100% focused on the type of games MS is creating.
Let me make it clear to you, I don't give a damn about a brand name of a fvcking video game. I am a fanboy of ACTIONS! Actions that make me happy as a traditional console gamer.
If you DO what I like as a traditional console game fan since Atari 2600 I'll support you, if you DON'T I won't.
It's real damn simple!
Sony is just the best of the bunch in delivering what I want right now, that's it.
It's not an exclusive, permanent or unshakable association. I was a Sega fan before and actually HATED sony for feeling Sony caused their demise. I choose xbox FIRST, but after I saw how they focused everything on paying for XBL over delivering high quality games I didn't need to pay extra for, I got over my hate for Sony.
Unlike most of you REAL fanboys, I don't feel I owe these companies shit, THEY OWE ME for honoring them by being their customer. That's how I roll.
Me buying anything from a game company is a honor thay should respect. Using my money to push out shovelware isn't it! Though you probably wouldn't understand that mentality.
Sorry for misunderstanding. It's just with how you worded it, and your post history made it not a stretch.
Also, you don't seem to understand what I'm saying. I'm trying to point out you're wrong. MS' Gamepass goal is to have a wide variety of games. I was pointing out that they have plenty of games that aren't like the ones you were trying to say they were all about.
Also, if you're not going give your money to a company that puts out games like this, games some people like, because them doing that is what you hate (In your own words), then you might as well drop Sony, Nintendo, and MS all together.
@drlostrib: No, following someone around and being an offensive ass when ever they post because you've formed a personal grudge with them signals that you're the one with the issue kiddo.
You're always butting into my conversation with your angry insults out of now where. lol why TF you get pissy and butthurt when I just shoot it back at you?
If you're going to be a complete douche bag when engaging someone for NO reason, expect the same kind of attitude coming right back at you. Don't dish it out if you can't take it!
Grow the fvck up and adjust your shitty fanboy attitude when talking to someone if you want the same respect back.
seems like you're projecting
perhaps take some time for some introspection. It might make you a less angry person.
Why TF are you still talking to me? Are you stupid or just crazy?
Again, you're the one who seems to be angry with mental issues here.
How about your stop following me around the board with your pathetic angry personal grudge spouting random insults every chance you get?
You don't need to be giving anyone here advise with your mentally unstable psychopathic actions.
Again, YOU started this engagement with me by flinging insults when NO ONE was talking to you. TF wrong with you? If anyone is projecting, it's you.
Grow TF up, stop responding to me and get mental help.
Hello pot, meet Kettle.
I remembered when it was first announced it was criticized heavily. In fact one of the main criticism was it being filled with just old games and it being another PS Now. However, over the past couple of years Gamepass has grown in value and this past E3 its value has skyrocketed. So many games will be releasing day one on Gamepass (now on PC) ranging from Indie to MS first party games. I am surprised no one talked about this very positive trend with the service.
Do you have a Gamepass sub and is it worth it to you?
I got it day 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those posters have LITERALLY been talking to me in THIS thread, what is this "memory" you're referring to?
lol you keep reaching making stupid posts like this that point out how desperate and obsessed you are to have an argument with me.
Are you ok?
You need to get a life and stop holding angry fanboy hostility toward faceless posters on a video game board.
That's another fail for you.
nah, it's more a failure on your part because of your actions. Neither of them have said much of anything in this thread about MS. But even though you say you don't commit other users actions to memory, you claim to also know how they always act.
perhaps if you weren't always blinded by your fanboy rage, you wouldn't have these failures.
Cashangry on a rage?
Those posters have LITERALLY been talking to me in THIS thread, what is this "memory" you're referring to?
lol you keep reaching making stupid posts like this that point out how desperate and obsessed you are to have an argument with me.
Are you ok?
You need to get a life and stop holding angry fanboy hostility toward faceless posters on a video game board.
That's another fail for you.
nah, it's more a failure on your part because of your actions. Neither of them have said much of anything in this thread about MS. But even though you say you don't commit other users actions to memory, you claim to also know how they always act.
perhaps if you weren't always blinded by your fanboy rage, you wouldn't have these failures.
Cashangry on a rage?
oh yeah, since page 1
He may have taken exception to what I would say is an accurate description of him
oh yeah, since page 1
He may have taken exception to what I would say is an accurate description of him
It's funny how they never change from alt to alt to alt to alt... Gonne have a good ol' read.
Edit: Gave up after a few posts. Can't subject myself to that verbal (typing?) diarrhea.
Game Pass let's me play brand new Xbox games for cheap. I know I sure as hell wouldn't have paid for games like Crackdown 3 at full price. If that's the way they want to do business, so be it.
It's a great deal. I upgraded to Ultimate, well worth it IMO. My only problem is there's not enough hours in a day to play everything I want to, with my already huge backlog.
@boxrekt My dude, I've only been on this board for a month, and I've already seen the crap you post.
I honestly don't care.
I post my opinion, usually backed up by facts and sources. People get mad and start personal arguments.
You call my post "crap" because you don't agree or don't like what I say, or when others like the lot in this thread post "crap" at me, I respond and you ignore, forgive or turn a blind eye to what they say and focus on me. I get it man, that's what this place if for, dat fanboy nonsense.
lol It literally doesn't have any affect on me.
I mainly post to crush dumb arguments of other posters. Most poster, as seen in this thread, only post to lash out a users with no real argument other than holding childish personal grudges as if the shit we post here has some type of affect on their life.
I could be arguing tooth and nail with you one day in one thread and jump in a thread with you the next day and have a great conversation with no ill feelings because my focus is actually on the topic and discussion not the individual I'm having a debate with.
I know this shit is video games but some of you people are actual mental midgets who take this shit to heart and form angry E grudges like children. I can't help that, It really all depends on the type of mentality you have.
as for this post
Sorry for misunderstanding. It's just with how you worded it, and your post history made it not a stretch.
Also, if you're not going give your money to a company that puts out games like this, games some people like, because them doing that is what you hate (In your own words), then you might as well drop Sony, Nintendo, and MS all together.
First, appreciate you saying you misunderstood my post.
Second, the bold:
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say here. There must be more confusion because all these companies aren't doing things I hate.
Infact the only reason I'm not more of a Nintendo "fanboy" is because they cheap people out on there outdated hardware yet charge inflated prices on EVERYTHING. Other than that I completely (morally lol) support Nintendo on everything they do with the fantastic games they deliver to their fanbase.
On that same token, I also support Sony because they still cater to MY desire to have high quality AAA game content focusing on CONSOLE players with respectable hardware for my money + exclusives. Shit, I don't even think I ask for a lot.
My desire mostly revolves around providing me a decent supply of AAA exclusive games with respectable hardware for the $$$. That's what I ALWAYS expected as a traditional console gamer. That has NEVER changed in over 20 years as my time as a gamer. I'm not into any of this service based GASS, streaming, cloud bullshit and I hardly ever even bother with online only games unless the game also has amazing single player.
The concept of game ownership ain't what it used to be, anyway.....
That is a sad reality. There are people playing games today who have only ever known a time when subscriptions, digital delivery, and "online only" games are the only way to play. Gaming has moved slowly from product to service. The music industry often gets a bad rap for the sometimes draconian ways they protect their IP, but they're the only entertainment industry I'm aware of that has fully embraced the idea of DRM-free content that the consumer actually owns. Heck, the Freegal service available through many US libraries allows you to download free (as in beer) music that is yours to keep without any restrictions whatsoever.
But when it comes to games, people are increasingly happy to treat it like disposable entertainment with no lasting value. It won't be long before developers and publishers start treating it the same way.
Geesh. What an utter mess. Boxrekt, how about avoiding things you hate?
Umm, I do!?
Another poster got in their feeling because I posted my thoughts on GP and that created this entire off-topic discussion.
lol your boys came at me with daggers and knives because I didn't want to buy into the xbox ecosystem, yikes. Serious business!
I got Xbox Game Pass for PC. $1 for the first month is highway robbery. I just beat Gears Of War Ultimate Edition on PC. I was going to install Metro Exodus but it seems to be suffering from technical issues as its current rating is 2/5 stars and you can't install it atm. I'm gonna install Sunset Overdrive and play that in the meantime!
It's awesome. The quantity and quality of games with MS 1p and 3p party games is insane. No point in buying games anymore, really enjoying Vampyr and Metro Exodus, normally wouldn't buy games like this since but Gamespass offers them.. Value is just insane, Less money wasted on buying a games and playing more games.
Sony def needs to get a service like Gamepass going. I know they're a bit behind but hopefully the deal with MS will help boost PlayStation services, else Sony is just wasting money and potentially more growth with software/services.
@i_p_daily: oh look, it's I salty daily getting butthurt over being salty LMFAO
Look I get it, I know you're trying to tell me that you're an alt, but we've all known it from the start, most cows on here are.
If you're going to stalk me you need better material as yours is udderly embarrassing :(
@boxrekt My dude, I've only been on this board for a month, and I've already seen the crap you post.
I honestly don't care.
I post my opinion, usually backed up by facts and sources. People get mad and start personal arguments.
You call my post "crap" because you don't agree or don't like what I say, or when others like the lot in this thread post "crap" at me, I respond and you ignore, forgive or turn a blind eye to what they say and focus on me. I get it man, that's what this place if for, dat fanboy nonsense.
lol It literally doesn't have any affect on me.
I mainly post to crush dumb arguments of other posters. Most poster, as seen in this thread, only post to lash out a users with no real argument other than holding childish personal grudges as if the shit we post here has some type of affect on their life.
I could be arguing tooth and nail with you one day in one thread and jump in a thread with you the next day and have a great conversation with no ill feelings because my focus is actually on the topic and discussion not the individual I'm having a debate with.
I know this shit is video games but some of you people are actual mental midgets who take this shit to heart and form angry E grudges like children. I can't help that, It really all depends on the type of mentality you have.
as for this post
Sorry for misunderstanding. It's just with how you worded it, and your post history made it not a stretch.
Also, if you're not going give your money to a company that puts out games like this, games some people like, because them doing that is what you hate (In your own words), then you might as well drop Sony, Nintendo, and MS all together.
First, appreciate you saying you misunderstood my post.
Second, the bold:
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say here. There must be more confusion because all these companies aren't doing things I hate.
Infact the only reason I'm not more of a Nintendo "fanboy" is because they cheap people out on there outdated hardware yet charge inflated prices on EVERYTHING. Other than that I completely (morally lol) support Nintendo on everything they do with the fantastic games they deliver to their fanbase.
On that same token, I also support Sony because they still cater to MY desire to have high quality AAA game content focusing on CONSOLE players with respectable hardware for my money + exclusives. Shit, I don't even think I ask for a lot.
My desire mostly revolves around providing me a decent supply of AAA exclusive games with respectable hardware for the $$$. That's what I ALWAYS expected as a traditional console gamer. That has NEVER changed in over 20 years as my time as a gamer. I'm not into any of this service based GASS, streaming, cloud bullshit and I hardly ever even bother with online only games unless the game also has amazing single player.
That's kinda understandable. I'm just simply pointing that all companies offer more than just one style of game, ya feel?
@boxrekt My dude, I've only been on this board for a month, and I've already seen the crap you post.
I honestly don't care.
I post my opinion, usually backed up by facts and sources. People get mad and start personal arguments.
You call my post "crap" because you don't agree or don't like what I say, or when others like the lot in this thread post "crap" at me, I respond and you ignore, forgive or turn a blind eye to what they say and focus on me. I get it man, that's what this place if for, dat fanboy nonsense.
lol It literally doesn't have any affect on me.
I mainly post to crush dumb arguments of other posters. Most poster, as seen in this thread, only post to lash out a users with no real argument other than holding childish personal grudges as if the shit we post here has some type of affect on their life.
I could be arguing tooth and nail with you one day in one thread and jump in a thread with you the next day and have a great conversation with no ill feelings because my focus is actually on the topic and discussion not the individual I'm having a debate with.
I know this shit is video games but some of you people are actual mental midgets who take this shit to heart and form angry E grudges like children. I can't help that, It really all depends on the type of mentality you have.
That would honestly be more believable if you actually that way. Take my advice, and try to do better. The reason people act that way about you is because you haven't given them a single reason to show you some respect. People will usually give some respect as long as you don't give them a reason not to. And you've given them every reason not to.
Also, once again, Pot calling the Kettle black.
I have it and it's a great value. I prefer physical copies, but this way I can play the game, and if I love it, I'll just go out and buy it.
More options is never a bad thing. Dont like it dont get it. But it appeals to a good portion of ppl, so more power to it. I like innovations like this. zero wrong with it.
I honestly don't care.
I post my opinion, usually backed up by facts and sources. People get mad and start personal arguments.
You call my post "crap" because you don't agree or don't like what I say, or when others like the lot in this thread post "crap" at me, I respond and you ignore, forgive or turn a blind eye to what they say and focus on me. I get it man, that's what this place if for, dat fanboy nonsense.
lol It literally doesn't have any affect on me.
I mainly post to crush dumb arguments of other posters. Most poster, as seen in this thread, only post to lash out a users with no real argument other than holding childish personal grudges as if the shit we post here has some type of affect on their life.
I could be arguing tooth and nail with you one day in one thread and jump in a thread with you the next day and have a great conversation with no ill feelings because my focus is actually on the topic and discussion not the individual I'm having a debate with.
I know this shit is video games but some of you people are actual mental midgets who take this shit to heart and form angry E grudges like children. I can't help that, It really all depends on the type of mentality you have.
That would honestly be more believable if you actually that way. Take my advice, and try to do better. The reason people act that way about you is because you haven't given them a single reason to show you some respect. People will usually give some respect as long as you don't give them a reason not to. And you've given them every reason not to.
Also, once again, Pot calling the Kettle black.
Hey man, I'll say I do appreciate you trying to actually have a conversation.
That said, your opinion about me is flawed because of your affiliation. You're trying to give the fanboys on your side some kind of alibi which makes you hypocritical when those guys are rude, shitty and don't show respect when they post, you're trying to excuse it.
The fact that the fanboys on your side have come into this very thread went straight to insults and shit talk without me saying anything to them doesn't support your argument about "me" not showing respect.
Listen, there isn't anything special I'm going to do to appease moronic fanboys with shitty attitudes nor will I ever try. Don't be a hypocrite talking about respect if you're trying to excuse the clear examples of disrespect without provocation from your side in this thread.
You just want to believe I'm doing something wrong but even this thread doesn't support that. Check back to see others shit talking me about my original post when I just gave my opinion.
Let this part sink in, we've been having a civil conversation for a while in this thread, even after an initial rough start where you kinda attacked me, we've been able to have a decent conversation when you actually dropped some of that fanboy attitude.
WOW, amazing isn't it?
When you actually stopped trying to talk to me only using fanboy insults, arguments and assumptions, we were actually able to have a normal conversation.
There is Kettle pot shit here, respect gets you respect with me and disrespect gets you the same. Again appreciate the convo. We don't have to agree with everything but at least you're able to hear my view and vice versa.
I just subscribed to gamepass ultimate since I can use it on PC as well and it includes Xbox live gold. Looking at the list of games. I think it’s worth it. It also is probably the reason my next console will be project Scarlett. Regardless who has more power, gamepass ultimate is a good deal at 15 dollars a month and you can play 100s of games. There’s already many I haven’t played yet that I would indeed like to try.
I bought the dollar sub on PC, try out a few games I normally wouldnt or don't want to give money too. Its a cool service, I wouldn't pay for it. I'd rather just buy my games on steam or greenman gaming or cdkeys, and I would never pay for XBL Gold nor primarily play on a console. Were I to own a Xbox One only, its a no brainer play tho.
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