both are download services that sell games, so lets compare the two.
current XLA has 54 games and counting, with about half of those being oldies
VC has 93 games, with all of those games being oldies
well at least with the 360, the oldies are enhanced with multiplayer, leaderboards, and updated graphics (yes u can switch to original too)
Some of the best of XBLA
Catan- great strategy game with clean graphics and awsome online play
Castlvania SOTN- one of the best platformers ever, and very rare ith hundreds of hours of value
Alien Hominid- Fun cartoon shooter, humorous
Joust- fun mutliplayer game with enhanced graphics and leaderboards, online play
Geometry Wars- addicting and slick visuals, dominating leaderboard
boom boom rocket- rythm game with great graphics and cool song,and easy to play
Uno- very fun to play online, webcam support, endless replay value
and the best shootem up of all time, Ikaruga, VERy rare coming very soon to xbla.
plus countless more
these games are new and cheap, with much more value than old nes games.
Some of the best of Virtual Console
Donkey Kong country
Super marios bros
for me, the XBLA arcade games have more value than these, roms i can get for free on my pc.
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