Xbox One last month won due to 12 numerous advantages in Xbox One favor. Now not only will May be won due to new and similar advantages, but also June E3, which will feature games games, and games, and useful surprises. The double Wammy is in effect due to NPD releasing once the MS/Sony/Nintendo E3's are over.
This month Xbox One will win May NPD (releases June 16th (possibility they will move early to 14th if like 2 years ago) because:
1. Xbox Won april due to increased full month exposure to Halo MCC bundle after releasing at the end of march. This will be another full month of the bundle which is newere than the TLOU bundle of the PS4, and the ACU bundle, which both are losing their grip.
2. Halo MCC as of today, as a new White Bundle available online and in stores, which is already selling out. Some stores have yet to make them available, all retailers carrying it, or most if new ones sign on, should be stocked up by the end of this week.
3. A lot of the PS4's sales were front-loaded in the U.S., the PS4 was bumped by misinformation, branding issues, a few backlashed strategies on the Xbox One field, and a lot of promises not fullfilled. Deception. The PS4 has been gradually going down yoy, since LAST june excluding the month of Destiny. While the Xbox One has been increasing or staying steady, that's right, for the last year. The PS4 is losing all momentum and it's still doing nothing to fix it. I will however hold off on some of this until after E3.
Other evidence of the above is the fact Xbox One always increases or stays steady, and has always sold very very well, but the PS4 not being a compelling product more so every other day , it's obvious why the Xbox One is now becoming standard in U.S. and has also been increasing in other ares, of course no where near the increase in US.
4. Xbox One games seem to have more longevity, they chart more frequently and have good WOM, higher replay value, and that is starting to be a reason why the tide is turning. A lot of PS4 games are either one and done, or people usually don't frequently play, a good amount don't finish, while there are exceptions, the former take up the most percentage. Xbox One games all have legs. This gives people more incentive to buy Xbox.
5. Amazon with PS4 deals, Final Fantasy X remaster, Batman being back in stock, Price Cuts for The Order, Bloodborne, and MLb, and higher orders for The Witcher standard and other editions, and continued bias for Mortal Kombat X, has been losing to the Xbox One most of the month.
There were a few times that PS4 got a boost on Amazon, however that Boost has gone back to the levels before and falling. It's basically over. Xbox One will continue to rise, Halo MCC also is rising back, and the White Halo Bundle, which will be available soon, will triple the chances.
E3 will also be a win.
1. Sony has hurt severely their own hype outside a few forums having people still waiting for nonsense that may or may not show up, and at this point the general Casual COnsumer willc are less, especially considering the Xbox conference is being hyped to Kingdom come.
2. Announcing an NPD win during E3 or after the conference will be a big help, media will spin it, and the rest will be on auto-pilot.
3. The PS4 games will likely not release this year outside the games we know, so even if partial hype games are announced, Xbox One will still have more games for 2015 unless Sony throws multiple-surprises. Expect release dates of 2 unconfirmed games this year, before and during the "4 month" MS holiday season.
4. MS will announce a 1 TB Sku. If they release it, they can lower the price of the regular 50GB model to $299. Sony will most likely not have a similar plan given Batman Pre-orders, and a few other things they have listed, it is possible they may do a price drop out of desperation, but something tells me they will ride WW until say September, or October (or announce it at gamescom despite not having a conference since they are still there. Giving way too much hyype and time to XBox.
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