I've seen Xbone's on sale for 469.99 on New Egg, Fry's Electronics, Ebay, and Amazon...but these sales come and go. Target's getting in on the deal. I know Costco also has their own deal where you save $20.
Target giving a $50 gift card for a $500 Xbone purchase is nice...but it hints to me it is better to wait for new colors/price drop/game bundles that have got to be on the way after seeing the latest sales figures, at least in North America. NA is home territory, and while the world may be leaning PS4, the NA has been a very supportive area for the Xbox Brand save for the recent NPD lower Xbone sales numbers, and I think a big push towards catering to the western crowd is still incoming with an inevitable bundle if one can hold out even a few more months.
I would recommend that those on the fence wait it out for E3 or an announcement in a few months if sales maintain their trend. At the very least, wait for a Titan Fall Xbone Bundle, color bundles, price drops at E3, if not a GeOW or Halo 5 bundle.
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