"Xbox One will have 8GB of RAM + 4 GB of Stacked new type of RAM for a total of 12GB as it was spotted on several dev kits leaks."
"mistercteam: 2x7970 GCN1.0 is the devkit RAW power, GCN 2.0 is much much efficient design that's the point
look at the 2560 ALU focus on that
then add GCN 2.0
add esRAM
add move engine
add Custom CPU"
"on raw performance it is between 7970 and 2x7970
see it is same like parasite or misterx insider
it is about 4.8 TF RAW"
"mistercteam: XB1 GPU certainly will be > 768 ALU , in GCN Term
Mister X insider said 2304 ALU, And later on 2x8970m = 2560 ALU
Parasite76 , 3 times , so about same as 2560/2304 ALU
The GCN 2.0 at 28nm , as Sushi Guy said, it is > 2800 ALU
the 20nm GCN 2.0 is > 3072 ALU
So it is safe to specualter XB1 GPU will be 2304 -2560 (PC AMD top end will be 2880 or more, the 20nm will be 3072 or more),
but the key aspect is XB1 is 2.0+ it is adding more efficient desgin by adding SRAM to GCN 2.0, also it is close environment, and the OS is more foucused for console performance
So when AMD release the GCN 2.0 with improved design
XB1 is at least already 1 step design same as XBox 360 1 step more advanced
The Die size on wired photo certainly > 500mm^2
the rumored 9950 2304 also have 5 Billion T
Microsofts PR department
> 5 BillionT
"more than 5 billion transistors "
If they have to disclose it at Hotchip
it must be some breakthrough design , Hotchip is a high calibre
Also The Timing is so perfect aligned
This year We Will got GCN 2.0 GPU
XB one is GCN 2.0+ (GCN 2 + Move engine + SRAM)
mistercteam: to sum it up, please read 1-4 post above before this, to read all link, pdf and others, also live streaming from Doug, director of MS research & CLoud.
Live streaming (MS research) scheduled at 15 July 2013, also featuring keynote from Bill Gates.
Now back to T3 core (improvement from edge/trips)
this is 32 core of edge/trips performace
from wiki and pdf
" 32 chips interconnected, approaching 500 GFLOPS"
now imagine 192 VSP (12 shader core) = 768 operation)
192 = 6 x 32 = 6 x 0.5TF = 3 TF at 1 Ghz, at 800 Mhz = 2.4 TF
imagine we up the shader core like rumored to be 24 SC at least.
24 SC = 384 = 12 x 32core = 12 x 0.5 TF = 6 TF = 4.9 TF at 800 Mhz (like parasite said)
how it is somehow fit so much
also that based on edge/trips performance
what about MS own T3 core, it is 50% more than trips/edge
so 24 SC = 384 T3 core = 4.9 x 1.5 = > 7 TF (wow)(real close box , performance
after they can utilize it, on base spec it is 4.9 TF at 24 shader core
no wonder it is called gfx core or shader core not compute unit
no wonder MS targetted at only 100-180W low clock
this thinng is new architecture
in the future they can pass xx TF easily just using 1.2 Ghz clock
they just choose AMD as partner to design it
the basic edge/trips are MS-Intel-IBM-SUN research
MS takes it further to develop it as real CPU for gaming use
with the help of IBM-AMD
remember MS have capability to write SDK, kernel, Framework
to make it happen
Like Rob Shearer (Eric Team) said, only 2 things that drive computing forward:
Server/High performance Computing & Gaming COnsole
*) also why they have to use 1x7970 or 2x7970 now rather make sense
*) also how that Edge/trips research pdf are same year as MS leaked Xbox next roadmap 2010
go_latern_go: This is amazing MR.C!!!
Also Dev kits had liquid cooling system...could the X1 have liquid cooling system or somthing equivilent?? this could also be a reason it can only sit horizontal.
I remember Dev at the beginning of this gen would write unoptimized code for 360 and it fried lots of 360 because MS allowed dev full power of 360 yet devs werent even familiar with the new architecture.
This is why MS could be moderating the power this time around by letting devs upclock but only if they will use it. 1.2tflop emulation = 4tflop real world performance. All first year titles will be like this but what could they unlock/upclock by year 2?? ex. QB?? sunset overdrive?? black tusk game?? Halo 5 could possibly using even higher clocks, This why devs said the clocks are kinda wonky.
I would say the same if i seen
Clock frequency: 800mhz-???ghz 0__o
With liquid cooling system or equivilant too who knows how far they can clock it down the road?? This could also be why insider claimed PC 2.0 with upgrades every year. They will not try to cut into PC market but rather marry the 2 as in equal to eachother and will help one another not replace the other.
PC= for business
X1= for everything entertainment
Also remember eurogamer X surface leak?? stationary computing device stated 6 core cpu 6gb ram with 380w psu.
how far can these clocks be pushed with liquid cooling and 380w psu?? "
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