MS has played their hand. They are going after both the casual and gamer market at the same time. Its very ambitious and could be huge if they can pull it off, but they are at a conundrum. Casual gamers/techies/people who want to voice command their tv, aren't going to pay $500 for a voice controlled remote for their TV. At the same time hardcore gamers are turned off by the device. If it costs as much as the PS4 they will just choose the PS4 instead since it is the better gaming device by a good amount and has the most gaming potential as far as graphics go. So for them to grab casuals and core gamers it has to be priced well. I'm thinking absolutely not more than $400. Probably closer to $300. Anything more and I can see it struggle out the gates. If they really wanted to sell they would launch at $299. The XBL is so lucrative that MS can afford to take a hit on the hardware. The important thing is getting people on the XBL ecosystem where they will eventually spend their money. If MS announces at E3 a launch price that is equal to the PS4 the One will be doomed.
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