The Xbox division is in a state of disaray.
CEO of the Xbox division Don Matrick was recently asked to step down and left the company. Now the CEO of Microsoft Steve Balmer has announced he's stepping down and will leave the company within the next year.
Along with all the confusion and back peddling MS has done, it's obvious that the Xbox One was a poorly planned project. It is $100 more expensive than their competitors while being much weaker. Their entire reveal was based around TV TV TV and now theyve dropped that angle almost entirely. Obviously they dont know what direction they want to go in. Kinect mandatory? Always Online? TV? No used games? LOL!
Is it really unreasonable to think that in 3-4 years they will abandon the Xbox One entirely and put out a new system? (like they did with the original Xbox). There are even rumors that MS could get rid of their entertainment division entirely. I'm sure the higher ups at MS are not fond of all the bad PR X1 has given the company.
PS4 on the other hand was perfectly planned from the start. They have never wavered or changed policies. Sony's management is clear and concise in their direction. And like all PlayStation consoles, PS4 will have a very long lifecycle. (Sony is still supporting PS3 with good exclusives coming out for it). It also has much better specs. PS4 is clearly a much better investment.
PS4 sales will be way better than Xbox One's as evident by the pre-order numbers that show PS4 is smashing Xbox. It's also less expensive and has Japan/Europe on lockdown, and even has higher pre-orders in Xbox's home turf of America.
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