@shawn30 said:
Just curious cause after the new Edge article it seems like they don't own the system I do, and this might help those on the fence or curious about the system.
What's working well for you in the UI?
What isn't?
On a scale of 1% to 100% how are voice commands working for you?
What percentage of the time are you using voice commands?
What needs to be fixed ASAP?
My answers.
1. I've had maybe 3 crashes since launch, but for the most part its working very well for me.
2. I need to be able to see the storage for the HD and the power left in the controller batteries and they gotta get those install times down. Those are three issues for me.
3. 85/90% - seriously
4. 90% outside of gaming. It works well enough to use it. I don't want a X1 without Kinect.
5. See answer 2.
ok I have had to reboot my xbox 5 times since November 22nd. Now when I say 5 times, that's total, I have the xbox one on 24/7. it has a glitch where if you use the xbox off command with a lot of apps, it seems to get hung up in memory, ie sleep mode issues, nothing new for window users. I don't usually turn off my xbox one and penello says its ok to always be on, but sometimes I think to myself give the system a rest. lol. The issue you will get when it gets stuck is the tv off and or stb off wont work, and upon waking, the tv will not output. Its not necessarily a bad thing since I have sometimes 3 games opened up and paused, and another app opened so it clears with the cold boot.
Now on the Kinect side, it seems to get better each and every day. I do the recognize tool about 3 times, once shaven, once with glasses on, once with a slight beard and in all various lights. the xbox one now recognizes me 100 percent of the time. my wife gets pissed off and doesn't wanna do it but it recognizes her about 70 percent of time when we are both in room.
Voice commands. at first I had some issues, I had it directly below my hdtv and the sound was definitely messing with it, I then moved it to the right side of the tv ontop of the xbox one and that improved the voice a lot. still had issues. I read that the best way to get the voice to work is with the pdp mount. I then called 14 gamestops yesterday and everything was out, as well as xbox ones. I then called NYC on a whim and they said they see one in stock in Jackson heights, so I went to Jackson heights and sure enough they had one. I also had a bid for 53 dollars for one on ebay that was beaten for 83 dollars, I have proof if you guys want. the mount at 20 bucks that I got was just sold at 83. anyway installing it was a breeze and I can honestly say the Kinect experience is now borderline godly, voice is about up to 90 percent, and recognition is awesome as well. the mount is a worth while investment. Also note, when doing the calibration for the Kinect, make sure you put the sounds all the way up and be as quietly as possible. This calibrates the noice cancellation and its good to have that on max or as high as you can go. in future I believe we will have access to this. maybe the edge guys didn't calibrate, I don't know, but yes the Kinect and xbox one take some getting used to, and it getting used to you.
in closing, this is truly a next gen experience. If I want graphics I will play on my PC, but as Ryse has proven, the xbox one is no slouch in graphics so im not worried, even at 900p. I cannot wait to see the xbox one and Kinect evolve, there is so much to improve upon and those improvements are just going to differentiate it from its competition. Its honestly a great experience and I have never been happier with a purchase in my life, even with its flaws and incompleteness. Id say in a year the xbox one will really start to shine, and in 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, start to glow even more.
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