Most Xbox gamers already rely on using LIVE and the first thing they do is sign into Xbox LIVE. So really the 24 check in deal is not going to be that big of an issue.
There is NO reason for 24 hour check ins... Light weight online DRM at max
When you buy a game digitally you can't rent, trade, loan or sell the game you bought. So in reality people have already been supporting DRM with the PS3 and Xbox 360.
umm ya... it's digital has in no disc... SO WTF you comparing?
As far as the Kinect goes you can disable it completely if you want to.
lol. If you can't pull the cable out without the system bricking then it's not off.Â
Xbox has some of the best exclusives in gaming and 3rd party support
full opinion there buddy
Xbox LIVE is the best online gaming service for consoles
not that much better... IF this was 2006-2010 then i would 100% agree. and since Sony be charging now they will have money to do stuff
The price tag while it is more expensive than the PS4 the price is about right with the Kinect included.
$100 of kinect that handful of people don't even want...
So all in all the Xbox One really doesn't deserve all the hate that it's getting. While I understand why some people would be upset with the way that Microsoft is handling used games just look at digital games you can't even trade those in! So my prediction is that it will do just fine after people realize that they are just blowing shi** out of proportion on the Xbox One. What it's really going to come down to is GAMES and the Xbox One has plenty to go up against the PS4.
xbox one deserves every bit of hate...
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