Poll Xbox One will win March NPD (125 votes)
One thing to consider is that Halo MCC has been selling out in stores, the new bundle is replacing the ACU collection, and on gaming forums not here it's confirmed that there are no more shipments coming in at various retailers, and Halo MCC is holding out stock.
Screamride actually had reshipment's at some stores, and the Halo 5 trailer has increased pre-orders and buyers for the system, however not enough to say silly things like "most people who want to buy Halo 5 will already have an Xbox" no. Pre-orders are still not even 1 million copies, probably won't until we get actual details at E3 instead of a live action trailer.
BloodBorne was pushed and did well for what it is, but it's not moving PS4's. Just like The Order didn't push PS4's. Around the world Bloodborne is dropping fast, this should go double for NA.
Battlefield Hardline got some nice Xbox coverage despite being a Sony marketed title, a Sony Marketed title that shows some of the flaws of Sony's marketing. This, along with Evolve which is still surprisingly moving units, will lead to a victory for the Xbox One.
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