I know this has been done before, but im debating betw the two. I have the regular ps4, and last yr I upgrade my xbox one to the xbox one s for 4k blu rays. PS4 is my main console, aside for local mutiplayer games like injustice 2 or MK X (simply bc my bro and bro in law have xbox lol). Now i thought hey im gonna just wait for the xbox one scorpio since they're saying it'll be the true big difference console. But since the xbox one x announcement, I wonder would if I really should go the xbox route. I love my ps4 exclusives, and am so hyped for Last of us 2, Dayz Gone, and I know for a fact Im going to want KH 3 on ps4 because I have the entire collection on ps4. Alot of ppl have criticized the console for not being powerful enough and for lack of 4k blu ray player, but I have the xbox one s for 4k blu rays and the more i look into the difference betw the two, the more I find a big divide in opinions
My question is, will i be missing out if I decide to go with ps4 pro instead of the xbox x? Im leaning towards ps4 pro but worry if its a waste if it really is truly as underpowered compared to the Xbox One X as people say
NOTE: Pricing wise, I would sell the PS4 to put money towards the PS4 Pro so that helps. Hopefully I can get $200 for the console (has a 1 tb inside), which would mean I'd be able to get the pro for like $240 or whatever the tax amount would push it too.
Xbox One X on the other hand, I would be giving my parents the One S as a 4k blu ray player and spend the full $500 plus tax amount. Now I don't really mind the money as long as its truly worth it
If money isn't an option give away the S (it's always nice to gift things to others and we all know how much our parents did for us they deserve it) and get the X and keep the PS4 for exclusives. the X will make the bets usage of your 4k TV and be for your multiplats and playing with your xbox friends and use the PS4 for it's exclsuives. that's pretty much the same as i'm doing except I don't have an S. i'll give away my OG xbox one when i upgrade and keep my PS4. the pro fell a little short for me to get it
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