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This is the rumorville from the old Qman! Microsoft is going to do to Sony what Sony did to Microsoft in 2013. They are launching the more powerful Xbox Series X for only $399, a full $100 cheaper than the slower crazy 90's PC tower looking PS5.
There are a lot of you out there who are going to buy next gen consoles on day 1 but a lot more, the vast majority will either wait or they will buy a PS4 pro or X1X on the cheap. Well, Microsoft is jumping into that space as well. You can buy a cheap X1X or PS4 Pro or you can get an Xbox Series S(Sega Series S in Japan) and that will get you next gen CPU and GPU power. The GPU will be faster than even the X1X and will support hardware ray tracing and it will have a true next gen leap in CPU power. Who the heck would buy a last gen console when they can get the XSS for $199?
Sony is flopping all over the place for next gen. They don't know how to do BC, for some reason they were ignoring it all this time. Probably thought they could get away with selling the games again to the same owners for the next gen. Their controller looks like they copied the Xbox controller but were still too stubborn to do what was necessary in joining the rest of decent gaming society because they still didn't change their crappy button to analog stick alignment.
Sony is such a mess that they finally are silently admitting the entire PS3 genereation and blu-ray fiasco was a scam. Why do I say that, if blu-ray was necessary for the PS3, why would the PS5 have a diskless version and not require blu-ray? Could it be that Sony invested a crapload of money in betting on the wrong technology? They thought a physical format would be around in the future when it turns out, it all went streaming and digital. Translation, they screwed their PS3 with a $599 launch price and crappy performance that lost them what people thought was impossible for them to lose that gen to MS. They came back with the PS4 low price and no BS but now MS is taking back what ground they lost. MS is not playing games, they want to challenge even gamers who want last gen's leftovers, now it would be dumb for anyone to go that route instead of XSS.
MS has the most powerful next gen console by far and it will be $100 cheaper than the weaksauce storm trooper looking no BC having sh%t design PS5. MS has the BC including all the way back to original Xbox and of course 360. The games graphics upgraded substantially for free, YOU GOT THAT SONY FANS, free!!! You can play next gen games such as Cyberpunk 2077 on the last gen X1X/X1S and you will still own it when you upgrade to the XSX/XSS. Gamepass rocks the house and is the best thing to happen to gaming in a long long time. It's almost as if Microsoft has been working at this for a long time and is about to curb stomp Sony all over the place.
tldr; version - feast your eyes
These are rumors at this point as nothing has been confirmed. There is a pretty good leak with Amazon France showing PS5 for $499/$399 but nothing has been leaked price wise regarding the Xbox Series X/S. Insider info claims Microsoft is waiting for Sony to announce price so they can announce $100 cheaper price point. Also the Xbox Series S is targeting a 50% lower price than the Xbox Series X. The idea is no one would want a weaker next gen console if it's only going to be $100 less. Everyone would spend $100 more and then why did the company bother in the first place? For this reason they are cutting down the specs but also making it super affordable even though they are taking a loss. Again, this has not been announced and a lot of this may be handled on a subscription service basis such as cell phones are now but this remains to be seen.
What I can surmise is that Microsoft is in the process of delivering a final deathblow to Sony. This is my prediction but we'll see in the next few years how accurate it is. Microsoft is going to slowly kill off Sony. Amazon, Apple and Google will enter the console space, one of them may make a significant splash if they play their cards right. The future shows me Sony as a software developer and Nintendo in a way is already there.
What say you?
I got this info from different sources including youtubers who were speculating on rumors. Below you will find one I saw today that repeated the pricing rumors specifically.
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