Tormy waging that one-man losing war lol.
Isn't he always?
Probably 99% of the time. Not so sure why he's melting down over batteries lol.
Actually i am not melting i just hate how dishonest you people are for not saying how much of a bigger blind fanboy than me you are and thats saying something.
The arguments most of you have here to justify lack of batteries are down right garbage and most center around the fact that MS claim they do it like that because polls some how show xbox fans like it, this is garbage is total bullshit and you know it, the only reason it is like that is profits and i don't have a problem with that but i do have with people who are dishonest.
MS doesn't need to drop the AA format to include a pair of rechargeable ones, lundy is 2021 controllers have rechargeable batteries for 15 years, 2 generations ago.
MS is a so call pioneer in tech and still is using AA with the pretest of convenience when the real reason is profits.
You don't necessarily have to play a game 6-7 hours straight for a battery to lose charge. Someone else could have been playing on the console, which is a concern for families. You could have forgotten to charge them. And as that controller ages that capacity is going to decrease over a couple years, so you may not have the full charge you had when it was new. There are many reasons why people would like the option of being able to replace a pack and continue playing without having to plug in.
That is a perfectly legitimate concern. So I am not sure why you are trying to pretend it isn't just to "get" the Xbox fans.
Thats true but i don't have that problem, when ever one of my kids use the console they re connect the cable.
Is something they learn from me, it takes seconds to plug a controller and either been 5 hours or 30 hours you will need to plug your xbox controller.
In fact i don't do that just with my PS i also do with with my xbox one S, and i use to do it with my 360 as well.
Replacing a pack is not really optimal when you have rechargeable batteries for your xbox controller, why would i do that i already pay for a rechargeable battery so that i didn't have to buy more and more batteries.
In fact this thing is silly, people plug their cell phone each and every day some times more than once to charge and they don't die.
The excuse lemmings are hanging for dear life is that the battery on PS4 sucks, and it does suck, but that doesn't justify MS not including a pair of rechargeable ones, in fact they don't have to change the format it can be AA which render all lemmings excuses usless.
Fact is lemmings love AA and the option to have them, great MS should include a pair of Duracell AA and let the format as it is, there you have it the best of both worlds.
But i guess MS would go bankrupt if they do that.
Probably 99% of the time. Not so sure why he's melting down over batteries lol.
He has been on this
I am not sure what the deal is with AA batteries. He probably got shocked by it as a kid or one exploded ruining his favorite electronic device. Who knows. 🤷♀️
Bah you are just mad because once again you got expose.😂
You don't like anti consumer crap unless it is from MS..😎
I do think they should include the battery in the charge kit with an Xbox controller. The USB-C cable included with it really isn't necessary since Xbox controllers already come with one. But, you can get third party rechargeable battery packs that can be recharged with the USB-C cable for $10, which would equal out the price with the PS5 controller.
Also, while plugging it in to charge is an option, that still doesn't solve the problem of if it dies during a game for any of those other reasons. And until just a couple months ago both controllers were micro USB which is notoriously trash. I wouldn't want to have to rely on being plugged in to play any game. When I tried that using the PS4 controller on PC via wire I would get constant disconnections just because of how shit micro USB was. So I plugged a micro USB cable into a wall charger and connected it to my PC with Bluetooth to get around the issue of momentary disconnects.
You could make a better case for relying on the cable now that they are both USB-C, and Xbox should include a cheap rechargeable pack, certainly. I also think they should upgrade their rumble technology and add a gyro. But at the end of the day this has got to be one of the most pointless discussions I've seen on this board.
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