@kingtito said:
Liar...you didn't have an 360 since day 1. Wasn't your dumb ass telling me how hard or impossible it was to get one at launch? Yeah such a loser
Hard to get = impossible now.? So no one got an xbox 360 on launch and MS didn't ship those 500,000 units on launch and 1 million + by December 2005 i imagine them.?
I owned one one since day 1 and a OG xbox to unlike you fake gamer.
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
And you're a blind dumb ass that can't see it. The environment are similar thus they resemble each other dummy. Only fanboy fool in here is you.
The environment are nothing alike idiot look how you can hide on plants on Horizon can you do that on Enslaved.?
The game is nothing like Enslaved other than been post apocalyptic,and what cainetao was doing was trying to downplay Horizon vs The witcher using Enslaved as point,trying to imply it was another Enslaved game like and he totally fail,the witcher takes allot from many games to so yeah hes argument was stupid and you look just as stupid to.
@The_Last_Ride said:
@tormentos: it just shows that people weren't interested in their games this year.
Yep because it was more of the same,Halo,Fable,Forza,Gears,Tomb Raider this aren't new this games are old and some over exploited on xbox 360,then they let out Quantum Break and Scaleboun which was at least something new.
Is time MS accept that it can't make it with Halo,Gears,Fable Forza that formula is burn out and they need big new games.
@xhawk27 said:
They won the who cares what some dumbshit thinks award.
Boy how attitudes change here,that wasn't the one many of you gave when Titanfall won many and that one wasn't even an exclusive game..hahaha
@tushar172787 said:
i can agree on people bored over halo and gears, but how is forza a yearly series? forza motorsport and horizon are two completely different games, both on a 2 year cycle. what racing game is more fun than FH2?
Forza is a racing game in both counts just as Modern warfare and black ops were FPS with different settings,they are still the same series and MS is milking them.
So yeah it is a yearly franchise until MS remove the Forza name from one of the 2 games,both are racing in the same series with the same name basically.
NFS and did what Horizon is doing many years before FH did it,as well as Burnout as well FH is not the first open road game.
@tdkmillsy said:
Hows pointing out its 2 different games making him look bad?
All consoles have franchises with sequel's, not sure what makes Microsoft any different.
Both are racing game with the Forza name just like COD MW and COD BO are both FPS with the same name series and different plot still both are COD and are been milk each year much like Forza is,hell at least on Halo wars vs Halo 3 you can say one is an RTS and the other is a FPS,on Forza you can't do that.
Forza is the COD of racing games,and judging by how Horizon 2 didn't even chart on NPD when it came out even when it was on 2 platforms show how MS abuse on Forza is hurting the series.
@FastRobby said:
Lol, classic tormentos meltdown again
Meltdown..hahahahaa if anything i am having a blast again with hypocrite lemmings who made a parade about Titanfall awards and now don't care about them...hahahahaa
@tushar172787 said:
agree, forza franchise is an yearly series but motorsport and horizon have 2 year cycles. and how am i splitting hairs over it? forza has been getting really great reviews out of the three, and it;s the most fun.
But the franchise never rest really you are seeing a new forza each year so the image of FORZA wear off because it is not a novelty is something expected already.
And not so great reviews F5 has 79% on Meta and FH2 has 86 on a series which use to be 9+.
@tushar172787 said:
motorsport & horizon are completely different games.. it's a 2 year cycle actually...
NO... Hit the gas win the race... Where ever they have different settings the goal is the same,the name is the same and both are in the same genre Racing.
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