"For teh exclusives"
Name them lol WHat exclusives are guaranteed on XB1... Halo, Forza . Thats it. and kinect games
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"For teh exclusives"
Name them lol WHat exclusives are guaranteed on XB1... Halo, Forza . Thats it. and kinect games
"For teh exclusives"
Name them lol WHat exclusives are guaranteed on XB1... Halo, Forza . Thats it. and kinect games
Indeed, it will be the same boring games over and over again just like with 360.
to me it comes down to the xbox tech inferiority versus psn inferiority.
if psn improves then the ps4 will be my goto for multiplats this gen, if psn remains the way it has historically been then no amount of slightly improved multiplats is enough to convince me to play my multiplats there.
@kingoflife9: that's what I'm more concerned about. When I first posted the topic that's what I wanted to get across. This COD isn't a big deal but will we start to see gimped versions of games, not just graphically but overall because of this
PS4 has better RAM GDDR5 and 150% more powerful GPU, so of course games will be better made on PS4. Xboxers will be Xboxers no matter what.
were u born stupid or do u just work hard at your craft?
If the tables were reversed and PS4 was only doing 720p for COD and Xbox One was 1080p, i can only imagine how hard the xboys would be pounding on the PS fans. If you want to make excuses and make peace with yourselves for Xbox Ones weak hardware, fine. But this is really pathetic, no matter what, it is a win win situation for you ...if the Xbox One was only doing 480P you would find some excuse to make it sound better than it is.
If the tables were reversed and PS4 was only doing 720p for COD and Xbox One was 1080p, i can only imagine how hard the xboys would be pounding on the PS fans. If you want to make excuses and make peace with yourselves for Xbox Ones weak hardware, fine. But this is really pathetic, no matter what, it is a win win situation for you ...if the Xbox One was only doing 480P you would find some excuse to make it sound better than it is.
If the tables were reversed it would be "lazy devs" from the cows. It definitely wouldn't be the console's fault.
"For teh exclusives"
Name them lol WHat exclusives are guaranteed on XB1... Halo, Forza . Thats it. and kinect games
Indeed, it will be the same boring games over and over again just like with 360.
Ryse, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Project Spark, Killer Instinct, D4 and Titanfall. Now name some decent non indie games coming on PS4. All you have is half baked promises developers are working on games that they will announce next year. Xbox One has exclusives named and coming out. Far more games than 360 and more 1st party developers than Sony.
If the tables were reversed and PS4 was only doing 720p for COD and Xbox One was 1080p, i can only imagine how hard the xboys would be pounding on the PS fans. If you want to make excuses and make peace with yourselves for Xbox Ones weak hardware, fine. But this is really pathetic, no matter what, it is a win win situation for you ...if the Xbox One was only doing 480P you would find some excuse to make it sound better than it is.
I am pretty sure Last Gen every single time a Multi Plat was inferior on PS3 the Sony Drones blamed the devs even though the 360 had a better GPU. People were blaming the devs 6 years into the gen. Now you want to act like the XB1 should be judged by what is obviously rushed launch titles on clearly more complicated hardware. Now I agree that the XB1 is weak just as the PS4 is weak but don't act like the SDF is not the most ridiculous group of fanboys.
I had a Xbox one, day one pre-order.
After the resolution showdowns i now have a PS4 on preorder.
It is simply not worth getting the console as it now shows how big a gap there really is. I will not be playing neither COD nor BF4 on a console anyway, but it is a clear sign of what we can expect from future games on the Xbox one and being a nit picky PC gamer i could not accept any less then the best.
Wonder how you managed that when no one was excepting PS4 pre-orders when all this happened? Oh you were lying? Gotcha.
And shellcase- You say they only have launch games? I guess Quantum Break, Maximum Overdrive, Halo, and Black Tusk are imaginary?
It was really simple really, i took my car and drove to the city nearest me (Esbjerg, Denmark) Then i drove to the Sony Center who was accepting Preorders and have a total of five left (Last week). Then i payed 3.499DKK wich accumulates to approximately 469,14€ wich is the asking price here in Denmark and Voila.
It´s really not that difficult genius!
I had a Xbox one, day one pre-order.
After the resolution showdowns i now have a PS4 on preorder.
It is simply not worth getting the console as it now shows how big a gap there really is. I will not be playing neither COD nor BF4 on a console anyway, but it is a clear sign of what we can expect from future games on the Xbox one and being a nit picky PC gamer i could not accept any less then the best.
Wonder how you managed that when no one was excepting PS4 pre-orders when all this happened? Oh you were lying? Gotcha.
And shellcase- You say they only have launch games? I guess Quantum Break, Maximum Overdrive, Halo, and Black Tusk are imaginary?
It was really simple really, i took my car and drove to the city nearest me (Esbjerg, Denmark) Then i drove to the Sony Center who was accepting Preorders and have a total of five left (Last week). Then i payed 3.499DKK wich accumulates to approximately 469,14€ wich is the asking price here in Denmark and Voila.
It´s really not that difficult genius!
dont mind him, he has textbook denial over xbone being inferior.
@WadeFan: I stay the course because I hands down have the best entertainment and gaming media system. Xbox one
Indeed, going to be amazing.
@WadeFan: I stay the course because I hands down have the best entertainment and gaming media system. Xbox one
Indeed, going to be amazing.
Yeah, 720p, 30 fps, bad textures, tv and casaul gaming with kinect.
Sounds amazing indeed.
First, let me say this. I have the Xbox One launch edition on preorder and I do NOT have the PS4 preordered in any way shape or form. You can look at my recent post history and see that I am for the Xbox One. With that out of the way, here is an honest question. Are you concerned with the COD announcement. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think going from 1080p to 720p is a deal breaker however, to those of you that are more technologically gifted then myself, is this a sign of the Xbox's inferiority or is it just something to do with an "outdated dev kit" that I've been hearing about. It would be much appreciated if this were explained a little. If I am paying $100 more for a console, this COD thing better be one time. If this is something we can expect in the future from now on, well I'll punt a poor defenseless baby seal
It's your loss then. I'm sure PS4 will do just fine without your support
First, let me say this. I have the Xbox One launch edition on preorder and I do NOT have the PS4 preordered in any way shape or form. You can look at my recent post history and see that I am for the Xbox One. With that out of the way, here is an honest question. Are you concerned with the COD announcement. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think going from 1080p to 720p is a deal breaker however, to those of you that are more technologically gifted then myself, is this a sign of the Xbox's inferiority or is it just something to do with an "outdated dev kit" that I've been hearing about. It would be much appreciated if this were explained a little. If I am paying $100 more for a console, this COD thing better be one time. If this is something we can expect in the future from now on, well I'll punt a poor defenseless baby seal
I jumped out a while ago. Before all this nonesense. Exclusives were Kinect. Multiplats were PC. Ought to sell the thing really.
The performance gap would be a factor, but I've decided to stick with PC as my main, so that doesn't matter as much any longer. More about the exclusives now.
The gap will stay the same, widen or tighten. Who knows. Only thing that's certain is that there will never be parity.
I am more disheartened by the fact that neither system is backwards compatible then anything coming close to increased resolution or graphical fidelity.. What the gaming industry was/is lacking, graphics is not on top of that list.. If it were, I would never be spending infinitely more time on games like Terraria and FTL then on the numerous "AAA" budgeted games out there... I have in fact spent more time playing games developed by a handful of people then I did games that had a small army of designers backing it.
"For teh exclusives"
Name them lol WHat exclusives are guaranteed on XB1... Halo, Forza . Thats it. and kinect games
Penis Game 2000's gonna be pretty good.
Here is my 2cents.
I am an xbox fan as well and all of this COD/BF4 720p stuff is really disheartening. Its $100 more and I can't see a real reason why anyone would choose a x1 over a ps4 if they are on the fence or a casual. I am a Halo fan so I'm pretty much stuck . but to think that MS, who was clearly making more money off of xbox games goods and services then Sony , made such a tech lacking machine makes me sick to my stomach. The are shitting like 1.4 billion a quarter in profits, and yet did not make a cutting edge gaming machine so they could jerry rig Kinect and other non important tech into the box at cost. Me and my cousin who are both day 1 xbox fans are at odds for the first time in ten years over this.
That being said. The most important thing for me right now is not why COD and battlefield are not 1080p at launch, its if they "Can" be in the future. Does this machine have the capability to have games at 1080p/60FPS standard??? That is the real question. If the tech is there but just is not maximized at this point, then fine. It seems that nb4 2k, Forza 5, Fifa, and a few other titles are set to 1080p native, so that makes me feel slightly more optimistic. And Ryse looking as good as it does (prob the best looking nxt gen title) helps.
My overall concern is strictly Halo being able to meet its optimal promise of a next gen experience, and if MS sabotaged that for kinect and some skpe functionality, Im gonna be supremely pissed. I dont like Sony, their games or their controller, so If this console really ends up being super weak I guess its the end of an era for me......
For me it's the exclusives at launch (Ryse and Dead Rising 3). Also the experience of xbox live over psn for online multiplayer. Will psn be able to handle games with a large focus on multiplayer without issues(yes same could be said about xbox live). I just feel safer with xbox live, plus with the money put into the servers. Lost in the bf4 res discussions and the ps4 looking better in a previous discussion, it mentioned the ps4 version being plagued with an internet error(maybe a minor issue). So, sticking with xbox one and then getting PS4( when rockstar releases agent or the h hour game (socom soul child). Or if Jaffe makes something like Twisted Metal but mmo style epic.
@Krelian-co: You did not even read what i wrote did you? FAIL.
i was walking about timbers but looks someone has reading problems.
Best games, best quality and most robust online as well as the most features. As long as Xb1 multi-plats look close to PS4 versions I don't care. I think that most sensible people would think the same. PS4 can push a little more power that's all it really offers unless you also prefer more indie games as well.
Canceled my preorder, will perhaps buy when Titanfall launches. The bones performance is extremely disappointing and left me somewhat shocked, wtf are they thinking?
Looks like PS4 will be my main gaming console unless PSN turns out to be extremely unstable, even here the idiots at MS have screwed up since they went with an infrastructure closer to PS3?!? Again, WTF??? There is nothing left of what made the xbox the greatest console, superior multiplats and online service, screw that well sacrifice it all on behalf of a input laggy camera and apps.
I'm going to laugh my ass off over the next year when XB1 games are coming out at 1080p, because we already know the system can do native 1080p. Just because developers are having issues at launch doesn't mean it's going to continue. The PS4 is doing BF4 at 900p and Ghost at 1080p but both come at the cost of degraded textures, just like Killzone SF, To run 60fps they had to dumb down the textures and rain effects significantly to get the FPS up.
At this point it's just sad, cows and Sony fanboys in general are the most insecure group of idiots out there, that's why they resorted to going on Neogaf and spreading rumors of the XB1 OS not working properly. Pathetic.
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