Gaslighting now? I remember what I saw, the graphics were good. But nowhere near the graphics kings.
Back then, it was Crytek and Naughty Dog was the one that impressed everyone.
Naughty Dog at their peak were the kings of Optimization. I can praise Monolith Soft today. But even they did not compare to the wizardry of Naughty Dog at its heyday.
The Last of Us was the best-looking PS3 game I'd seen. Naughty Dog pushed the PS3 to its limits. However, it's worth noting they used a little trickery... Many of the cutscenes were pre-rendered. But it was pre-rendered using the same engine, giving the illusion that it's real-time graphics.
Yup. Naughty Dog are great at trickery, whether its boxes in Crash or or the prerendered cutscenes in TLOU1.
But that is ultimately the thing that seperates talent from well less talented studios. And one of the reasons Monolith Soft is so great. In many ways, I see Monolith Soft as what Naughty Dog WAS for Sony, Monolith Soft is for Nintendo.
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