Despite being on the less popular platform, and having the least amount of GOTY awards, in terms of what defines a game it's by far the best.
It may not have the best writing, it may not have the best plot (nothing matches Witcher's 3 sidequests, although I find it good enough and in terms of main quests it's better than the one in Witcher 3) but it has the best gameplay by far.
After having played more than 100 hours into it and being at less than half the game, and after having 100%'d The Witcher 3 (I found every single treasure chest) and put a couple dozen hours at Fallout 4 I think I can speak of some objective qualities Xenoblade X has that the other game lack.
Firstly, the world has been handcrafted to the point where despite it being bigger than the other two games put together, you won't find a single spot that isn't designed with a clear intention behind. Small rocks that allow you to infiltrate past high level creatures, dozens of secret paths that reward you for exploring...
Secondly, the traversal mechanics are much better. You move through the map much faster and with much more precision than in any of those games, and useless backtracking is minimized because of how many fast-travel points you unlock and how fast the game loads (it's at least 5 times faster than both Witcher 3 or Fallout 4 even if you travel through different continents).
Thirdly, the content. Not only the quantity but also de quality. In the W3, I reached a point where I was collecting the treasure chests only to complete the different interrogation marks spread through the map. Most of what those chests contained was useless and it was tedious to go through all of them. On the other hand, Xenoblade X handles this much better. Not only you gain Action Points for discovering those chests (points that you can spend on improving your arts or abilities) but they usually have something you're going to use.
And unlike in those other games, in Xenoblade X you won't reach a point where your character is so strong that there's no one in the whole world who he can't beat. I mean, in the Witcher 3, after you've upgraded certain skills there's no enemy that will be able to defeat you. Not in Xenoblade, despite you having more things to upgrade than in The Witcher. In fact, if you want to 100% the game you'll have to beat level 90 beasts even when you will never go past level 60.
Finally, and that's more a personal opinion, Xenoblade is the more beautiful game. It's not that The Witcher 3 or Fallout 4 aren't beautiful, but Xenoblade goes the extra mile when it comes to amazing views and landscapes.
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