[QUOTE="WasntAvailable"][QUOTE="IronBass"] I agree with this. MGS3 is the best of the series.Dreams-Visions
Most people seem to agree that MGS3 is the best MGS now, which is odd. Just a few months ago the majority would have said MGS1. I wonder if this is a pattern type thing realted to the frequency of releases. I don't think many ever thought 2 was the best, too many people whiney about Raiden, so perhaps it's simply the case that MGS1 held it's place even when MGS3 was released (Poor MGS2, nobody ever loved you.). Now that MGS4 has been released it seems to be the case that MGS3 is the most popular MGS. If there is to be an MGS5 then it may be likely MGS4 will become the most popular MGS. This seems to quite common with video game series...
you can't go wrong with either MGS3 or MGS1. I had them as equals. But I think MGS3 was the more memorable one for me. The boss fights were some of the best ever in gaming. The music score, unforgettable. The motorcycle chase scene delivered. The final with The Boss? eye-watering. the story, well told. but MGS1 was the first for many. I'm going to pick up Twin Snakes soon, just to play it again with better graphics and cut-scenes. but really, can't go wrong with either.I like them all about the same. I have tried to order them in a way I liked best, but I just couldn't do it, most likely because I can't remember 100% of each game. I've only played through MGS2 once because the disk got recked. They all have their own merits, and they are all distinctly diffrent. But it does seem the general opinion seems to have swayed towards MGS3 recently. It seems that many people like to push against common trends, for example, stating MGS4 is the worst in the series while XXXX is the best, but ironically they just become a part of another common trend created by people like them. Mabye it's just me, but it seems like this is the way alot of people like to think on message boards in general. Perhaps it's just out of the fear of becomming so predictable and cliched. Or mabye I'm just spending way to much time thinking about this, and in actual fact could be completely wrong. It does feel as if there is some desire to go agaisnt the norm here though. (I'm not saying you fall into this, just that it is something that I've noticed in general recently.)
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