[quote="mahjustin"]And if I remember correctly, your idea of a port can be extended to sequels as well...mjarantilla
NO.For the last effing time, NO. My idea of a port or mock sequel can only be extended to games that do NOTHING SUBSTANTIAL to expand on the previous game. MGSPO, Daxter, GoW, Phoenix Wright, and Advance Wars DS all have different campaigns and different storylines, and so are NOT ports. MarioKart adds 8-player multiplayer, battle modes, and online, and is NOT a port, either.
Animal Crossing, however, might as well be a port, because it adds nothing substantial, just like how Ridge Racer, Burnout, almost all sports games, almost all "sequel" puzzle games, and almost all one-trick-pony games (Katamari) might as well be ports. I don't know about any of the others, because I haven't played them.
And to clarify YET AGAIN, if Konami made an Elebits game on the DS, I would ALSO call that a port, because games like Elebits and Katamari are games that have absolutely no direction or design to them, except to cause chaos.
Please stop confusing my words with that imbecile Phil_Ken_Sebben's idiotic interpretations.
You're missing the point... my point is, the DS gets its shares of multiplats/ports, and you can't deny that fact. I didn't make a distinction of whether a game was good or not, I was just making the claim that the DS is not free from multiplats/ports. Let's just leave it at that, I don't need you interjecting restrictions such as "oh but I'm only counting games scoring higher than xx", because it's really convenient to only look at the good of the system you support and not the bad.mahjustin
No, you're missing MY point. MY point is to explain why popular opinion is that the PSP is inundated with ports: because most of its high-rated games ARE ports. People look at the PSP's most wanted games list, and they see a list composed 60% of ports or multiplats.
And saying the DS has ports is worthless and stupid, because you don't bother to gather any kind of information as to how many ports there are compared to its exclusives, and you include in the list games that people don't even want to play.
It's completely idiotic to make blanket statements like, "The PSP has ports, it's bad," and "The DS has ports, it's also bad," because it doesn't take into account ANY kind of gradient or value in the data. The DS has fewer ports, more exclusives, and MANY more new IPs among its high-demand games than the PSP. THAT is what matters to buyers. Not your technicalities.
If you won't accept that, then this conversation is over.
I can see we're both trying to argue different points here, I'm just trying to say that the DS has ports/multiplats, that's it. That's the only point I was trying to make. I mentioned earlier that the games I listed can be mostly crap, so I did take into account that my point of arguement did not concern the top-rated games for the DS. I understand where you're coming from, because ppl only care about the top rated games, but what irks me is that a lot of people (not you) think that the DS only gets the rare port, but the PSP gets every port imaginable, and I know that this is simply not true.
I apologize for suggesting what I thought you believed a port to be, you sound extremely angry in your post.
And I don't disagree that saying that a system has ports is bad. I completely agree with you there. Both system has ports, so what? And you're right, it doesn't mean anything. The PSP gets a lot of good ports, and that's not necessarily a bad thing either.
The PSP has a lot of exclusive (or timed exclusives, such as Lumines, Syphon Filter, Grand Theft Auto) games, and if you compare the amount of exclusive AA and AAA, the PSP and DS are extremely close. After that, the PSP has more AA non-exclusives... so I'm a little confused... are you saying the top rated games is made of 60% ports/multiplats, or are you saying the games that the people want the most is made up of 60% ports/multiplats, because there is a difference.
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