Nintendo really doesn't know what they're doing. They have no coherent long-term plan. They had a smash hit with the Wii initially fueled by a motion controller gimmick that didn't live up to it's promise, to bring us thrilling new gaming experiences with solid dev support and great games. Not even their first party dev teams could do anything with it besides little party games, so now Nintendo is stuck with a very underpowered system with a useless motion controller and no games. They're sitting on a big pile of cash, wondering what to do now. This ought to be interesting.
A new beefed up Wii with backward compatibility would be too little too late if they really want to be on the same playing field as the 360 and PS3. With the hardcore gamer base already established on the 360 and PS3 combined with continued weak third party support for Nintendo consoles, Nintendo seems to have no option but to continue trying to appeal to kids and their moms, sadly. So they better not throw their installed base of 54 million people under the bus by releasing a more powerful Wii. This would be their indirect message to all those Wii owners:
"Thanks for buying a Wii, but you need to buy our new console now. You didn't get $250 worth of fun from your Wii? We're sorry about that, but yeah buy our new console k thx."
It's very bad PR, and Nintendo is already catching heat with their handling of the DS lately. So if they don't make Wii owners happy, they can say goodbye to their future console sales. They've already lost any remaining hardcore gamer fans they had left. Can they keep the casuals?
Nintendo may be stuck with their weak console until next gen begins in a few years. The question is, how can Nintendo make compelling games on such outdated hardware? What about the Wiimote, will it ever become more than a gimmick? Throwing a virtual frisbee is only fun for about 2 minutes. You gotta do better than that Nintendo.
Huh? First party devs are making party games? All I have to say is Super Mario Galaxy, which was GOTY2007 here -- and considered by many, one of the best games of the generation. Nintendo first party developers are doing fine -- though they are using the same three core franchises (Mario, Zelda, Metroid) which are great franchises, however, I want to see whats happening with Star fox, F-Zero, Kirby, etc -- what is Retro working on? What about the potential Kid Icarus title? Nintendo first party developers generally don't have problems making quality titles.. however, I want to see those other franchises being brought to the Wii as well.
Very false statement. Only here, and honestly, I mean only here -- do people actually believe 'Wii has no games'. The Wii is very under appreciated in terms of its library. You'd be right to say it lacks multiplat games, which it does, however the library is pretty good with lots of niche and exclusive titles -- as well as Nintendo core titles.
Nintendo's audience has always been younger people, core Nintendo fans and new/casual gamers. Most games that they've made, since the beginning have been like this. Also -- a lot of games that you see on the PS3/360 -- GTA, Modern Warfare, etc -- have massive casual, or what I like to call, 'Mainstream' gamer appeal. Its not a bad thing by any means. Actually, its a good thing. The more people playing games, the better for the industry.
They've lost core fans? I think anyone who is a core Nintendo fan has to be happy with the quality delivered on the Wii. It's been much better than their last two platforms.
"The Wii has stalled," Iwata said. "Games of high demand could not be continuously released". Granted, high demand and quality aren't necessarily synonymous, but if the presedent of Nintendo says there are issues with the library, I'm inclined to believe him.
I consider myself a core nintendo fan, I own *every* nintendo platform except for the gameboy color and the Wii. Until recently with all the great 2d games that have come out for it, the only two games I had wanted was prime3 and mario galaxy. But even with those 2d games I would still rank the n64 and cube library much higher than the wii's right now.
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