Apparently Sony has a class action lawsuit already in the pipes.http://www.lawyerseek.com/Practice/Consumer-Protection-C21/Playstation-3-Yellow-Light-of-Death-P212/
Whether YLOD is common or not, this lawsuit was bound to happen. It doesn't matter if it's 5% or 100% as long as there's 1 person who thinks that they can use YLOD as a means of surviving the bad economy or just flat out making an easy buck.
Wouldn't it be funny if Sony lost another lawsuit due to faulty hardware? This place would explode with cows in DC...
That suits not even in the books yet. They're seeking people for a potential c l a s s action suit. But nothings official yet.And also there's no date on that page. For all we know that could have been posted 2 years ago..
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