I will never understand gamers that are salty about gamepass. It is very pro consumer. I pay $10 a month for PC gamepass and get far more than my monies worth. Not sure why people "Act" like they don't like it.
I will never understand gamers that are salty about gamepass. It is very pro consumer. I pay $10 a month for PC gamepass and get far more than my monies worth. Not sure why people "Act" like they don't like it.
So the developer says this....
"My favorite is the old premium model, where I sell you on some video, on big images and earn your $30. And then after that, I have to deliver. I don't need to get money out of you later."
So Gamepass then is pro consumer where the old model is anti consumer? Help me understand.... I game for me, who do you game for?
Side note.... He used the words,"earn your 30$" when talking about showing images and some video, but feels cheated about you playing the game and feeling like he hasn't earned your sale.... Wtf?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who took that away.
@mojito1988: This user lost his account over a gamepass related bet. Now created a new a account and keeps obsessed over it. It's pretty hilarious.
This game particularly I was anticipating it, since I'm a huge Limbo/Inside fan, and the game clearly needed a few more months to play test it and polish some awkward design decisions. It's a shame that they couldn't / wouldn't take the needed extra time because on a second playthrough it shows how cool it could have been.
So it's not surprising that a game that is a disappointment for fans of the genre doesn't exactly sets the world on fire. On the other hand you have the creator of Tunic, one of the last year's best games and was day one on Gamepass, praising the service, and you won't find a thread about it. But TC with his anti Gamepass obsession isn't known for putting too much though into anything.
"Gamepass bad, stop having fun!"
Why are we still talking about this?
If McDonald's offered you a burger for $1, and then offered the exact same burger for $5, are you telling me you would pay the $5 because you "feel bad" or "want to support the company" ?
This isn't charity, it's business! Consumers want good deals and cheap prices.
If the dev is saying this as a warning to other devs to not take the deal then fine. But when Xbox came to you offering you $ to put your game on their service you said YES and if you regret it now then cry me a river.
@gifford38: Great?
Keep paying $70 per game. As an Xbox owner, I have a better option.
Like renting 4/10 games? Don't be ridiculous, dabear. Enough is enough.
what are you talking about? I rather pay 70 bucks for god of war, ratchet and clank,demon souls I can keep going. Over what gamepass has offered since launch. I even got a vr head set that I can choose games from.
Did you cry when PS5 gave them away as part of PS+?
@hardwenzen: There are a whole host of AAA games on game pass.
From third party devs, yes. Why? Because their games haven't been built with gp in mind, and since they don't have much resources for marketing, the best bet is to be on gp.
@last_lap: I really can't say what thread it was. Can't remember the user who he lost the bet against either.
@last_lap: I really can't say what thread it was. Can't remember the user who he lost the bet against either.
That's a shame, but not all is lost, because if I had to put money on it, I would bet it was with @Antwan3K as those 2 were always arguing about GP.
And water is wet. Of course GamePass hurts sales lol.
Netflix hurts movie sales
Spotfiy hurts music sales.
Gamepass hurts game sales.
what are you talking about? I rather pay 70 bucks for god of war, ratchet and clank,demon souls I can keep going. Over what gamepass has offered since launch. I even got a vr head set that I can choose games from.
Did you cry when PS5 gave them away as part of PS+?
nope because by then developers made there money and gives option to those not willing to pay 70 a chance to play. i payed 70 for god of war and ratchet. but I didn't with demon souls. now I get to play it.
@hardwenzen: There are a whole host of AAA games on game pass.
yeah old third party games that been out for 1 to 2 years now and 360 games.
I pray they don't mess up Fable. fact is even gamespot has articles saying xbox can't land that AAA game.
right now there is no competition between sony and xbox.
I have a series S and its been sitting there waiting. gave it to my son for fortnite so he leaves my ps5 alone lol.
im playing ravenlock. its not bad but dam its simple gameplay.
@gifford38: Great.
Sell it. Why keep it if you dont like it? Do us a favor and just go 100% cow.
no im waiting just like xbox players are. im never 100% anything.
see your not seeing the problem.
mean while third party is saving gamepass which most of them are on ps plus now.
Yet another Cow alt is mad about Game Pass.
yup we are so mad over low rated unfinished games one after another.
sea of thieves, grounded, now redfall.
its sony fans wanting a great game from xbox while xbox fans are sitting there blind.
Sony fans don't want great games from Xbox because you guys always mention the low scoring games while conveniently leaving out the great games with high scores.
In the end you only make yourself look dumb by cherry picking games.
@gifford38: Great.
Sell it. Why keep it if you dont like it? Do us a favor and just go 100% cow.
no im waiting just like xbox players are. im never 100% anything.
see your not seeing the problem.
mean while third party is saving gamepass which most of them are on ps plus now.
Again, if you feel that way, then "all is lost". Sell your XSS before it's not worth anything. Stop "wasting" money on Game Pass. Leave Xbox!
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