@wolverine4262: What's the last game you bought, and for what platform was it?
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What's the last game you bought, and for what platform was it?
Something stupid, overpriced, and content light. For a console of course.
I definitely feel like recent games have really lost their charm... Witcher 3 being the only one that has managed to spark some genuine interest! It may just be me growing out of it, but I prefer to blame the industry's current circle jerk in budgets and derivative tendencies.
Either way, it's not these consoles specifically, it's the games that came with them. Very, very unfortunate times we live in.
@freedomfreak: I'm enjoying my 50 plus ps4 games... don't get this nonsense. Only beat 1 game on ps4. Playing Witcher 3 now, took a break from bloodborne, the old blood, type 0, dying light, borderlands collection, far cry 4 et...
And on pc I was playing pillars of eternity and wasteland 2 before that.
On vita playing tales of hearts r.
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