Give me vehicular combat ala Battlefield, or GTFO.
Seriously i'm unable to get excited about games like CoD after spending numerous hours on games like Battlefield, Unreal Tournament 2004 and Crysis Wars (yes, buggy mess, but so sweet concept). Everything CoD-like is auto-fail in my books.
Yes, i'm talking multiplayer only. Singleplayer would require something really unique to get me excited, like something what Stalker did. Boring scripted on-rails blasting is somehow still the recipe most devs are using, then they are wondering why shooters are failing one after another.
Actually, Fallout 4 is quite close. It still plays and feels more like RPG, but that's how you'd make a shooter these days.
EDIT: meh, this was just some crappy pro-CoD troll thread....
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