@Animal-Mother said:
@charizard1605: Wrong it's not doubled for PS4 because sony got out the show and second son. So there goes that theory.
Also in the grand scheme of things you cant sit here and say nintendo balances out the industry when they are basically the only successful handheld gaming market out there. They basically own it.
And at the end of the day when all is said and done. Nintendo still doesn't balance anything out. Especially when you're the predominant force in one area and the complete lackluster in another.
Ah right, so Sony put out as many games as Nintendo, and they are going to release a grand total of one more original game for the rest of this year. Against, what, four more Nintendo games on Wii U? I don't see you 'loling' at Sony now.
And once again, you are completely missing out on the point, either deliberately or because you actually don't get it, and I know you're too smart to not actually get it, so I know you're just acting obtuse.
This. Is. Not. About. Market. Performance. Not only is market performance transient and changes from generation to generation- Nintendo led the console wars last gen, and Sony was last, they swapped places this time- but that has absolutely nothing to do with what Yoshida is trying to say, and what I am trying to say, which is, and I repeat, the kinds of games Nintendo makes are a counterpoint to the kinds of games everybody else makes. No one else makes the kinds of games Nintendo makes, so Nintendo games are a balance to the traditional AAA industry.
And incidentally, since you are obsessed with sales, and since this is software we are talking about, not hardware, let me point out that Nintendo software sales are insane and guaranteed. They are extremely successful on a software basis. So sure, even on a sales basis, as far as their software output goes, they do provide a lone, singular counterpoint to the rest of the industry's AAA output.
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