.....bringing a bigger, broader audience to the video game industry. The Wii is doing its part in helping the industry in sales that translates into a more healthier market for the future. The Xbox and Playstation division alone cannot help the industry gain the profit it needs in order to have a bright future. Appealing to 'hardcore' gamers just won't cut it. Thats why we should at least respect the Wii for going a different direction.
No, I don't agree. I credit them for trying something new and different. I credit them for carving out their own niche and not getting sucked into what could very well be an unsustainable "power battle". I credit them for still staying true to their roots and releasing classic games with a new look (although I want more new ips).
However, while Nintendo has certainly seen great success by focusing on this new audience, it has cost them their loyal, long term audience. And I see absolutely ZERO evidence that this new audience cares about gaming AT ALL. This new audience, as I see it, still know nothing about games, gaming, and show no signs that they are going to move upstream which is what Nintendo really wanted. Nintendo wanted to attract these new gamers in hopes they would eventually become long-term, loyal, or "hardcore" gamers. Yet I see zero evidence this is happening. Instead I just see Nintendo scrambling to constantly find new ways to appeal to different groups of this broad audience.
So no, I don't credit Nintendo for this new audience because I don't think this audience is going to stick around. By the looks of Nintendo's latest financial releases, this audience doesn't even seem like they will stick around for the life of the Wii itself, letalone stay as long-term gamers over many gens.
I also STRONGLY disagree with the people calling this new group "casual". This new audience isn't casual because being "casual" implies they have some regularity or reliable pattern to their action, even if its not all that serious. This new audience doesn't fit the "casual" definition or behaviour. This new audience Nintendo is focusing on is NON-GAMERS. They want people who don't care about videogames, or who may have never played videogames before, to now suddenly buy in. It has worked but only temporarily. The stories seem to be that this audience is buying the Wii for maybe one of two things (like Wii sports or Wii fit) and then once they get bored with those, never really play it again. That isn't casual gamer...that is a non-gamer buying into the latest fad.
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