I find it hilarious how this thread got so derailed from a basic cow maneuver, I am disappointed in you TC.
The thread was already ownage. You should have just left it alone and watch the meltdown of the cows.
They know for a fact Sony doesnt support the miserable pos called Move. The only thing they can possibly do is derail the thread by calling the TC a fanboy idiot and give examples of some children games for Kinect, which still outsold hardcore exclusives on the PS3. Now that's pathetic.
Hopefully TC, you have learned. Don't fall for the old tricks of Sony Cheerleading Squad.
i do as I please, I made a good scotty friend, and I have my fans, Im a legend, deal with it, dont give me pointers, I made a career out of making cows cry, watch and learn, if I derail a topic its cause I want too, if you dont know me, you are deprived, deal with it.
For a genius, you sure do have sh*tty grammar.well you are all over my boxers so I know im doing something right, you wish you had my life, but nope, you are some kind of internet systemwars police who is not biased and wants to make the forums a cleaner safer place, hahahahahaha. Gotta shower and jump in my awesome car, talk to my awesome hot wife, and watch this movie safe house with my awesome friend. realtalk, real life, deal with it..... sorry i wont respond to your boxer hugging response.
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