Those who are wondering when the PS5 or Xbox 4 will be released don't get it. There is no PS5/XBox 4, not like it was in the past. What I mean is, next year MS is releasing the scorpio. Sony will follow sometime after with their successor to the PS4 pro. However, if you want to keep your regular PS4 or Xbox 1, you will still be able to play PS5 and Xbox 4 games.
You guys got that, the systems we have now will run future "next gen" games. At some point, there will be games that will be released that will be top of the line and they will say for example(only on Xbox 4 or PS5 because the other consoles won't have the hardware to run them even on low settings. But this is years away and won't be the standard.
That is what is so genius about Microsoft's move to announce the Scorpio this past E3. It sent a message to gamers that they can buy an X1 and all the games they want and they will receive a big upgrade soon. So all the new games they got will get a big performance boost when/if they upgrade.
The main difference with this strategy is that in the past console makers pushed huge efforts to try to get people to upgrade to the next gen consoles. This time around it doesn't matter, yes they want you to upgrade but they are fine if you don't upgrade and just keep on buying games with the last gen console. Everything will be forward and back compatible. It's a new strategy and I think it's great because the developers can just concentrate on making great games and don't have to worry about waiting 3 years after a new console is out before it has an installed base big enough that they can release a AAA game for it. Now that line will be completely blurred. It's great for the industry and great for us gamers.
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