Allow me to point out why your comments are illogical
There shouldn't be any comparison in my opinion. A system that comes out a year later and at a higher price should be able to outperform a one year older system which cost $200 less any day of the week.Blackbond
1) Both consoles were in development for the same amount of time. The reason the PS3 came out much later was due to numerous issue with manufacturing delays on their cell chip. Sony and MS had their hardware and specs finalized at roughly the same time. It was the added features (whether or not to include BR? What size HDD?) ane cell problems that caused the launch delay.
2) It was the added features such as BR, HDMI outputs, HDD size, etc that cause the $200 difference. Not some sort of ultra-space age technology.
this not happening?
3) Isn't it? In your opinion it is not happening. However, there is no denying that Resistance, a PS3 launch title looked much better than any of the 360 launch titles. I consider this a fact considering 360 fans have had to compare Resistance to 360 games that are second gen and had longer dev times and the devs got their final dev kits much sooner than Sony devs.
4) Furthermore you have conveniently ignored all the developers who complain that the PS3 hardware is too hard to develop for and games cost too much to properly utilize the hardware. I think this is another sign that the PS3 is more "advanced". Add to this the fact that devs only got their final dev kits like two months before launch (and even then not all devs got it), and you have a whole number of reasons why "this is not happening."
5) Even if a game came out that was amazing looking, would fanboys admit it? I have no plans on getting the PS3, I have a wii and want a 360...because of the games. Having said that, I thought resistance looks amazing and as a launch title it was a real eye-opener of the PS3's potential. Much moreso than the rushed games that came out for the 360 launch which everyone called Xbox 1.5 titles. But instead fanboys nitpicked and suddenly a game had to "blow them away" to get their respect. So I refer back to my original question.
I should be able to clearly see the results of a newer machine that is priced $200 more.
6) Yes, you should. The illogical point here is that you ignore all the major issues Sony has had, developers have had, etc...and want to blame the hardware as being inferior. ANd again, you ignore the actual results that $200 allows for...larger HDD, free online, 1080p, BR player, etc. Those may not be "game related" but they are certainly "results" of the higher price tag if you ask me.
confuses me why there are even debates about these two systems graphical capabilities when the PS3 clearly should be better.
7) The same reason people are arguing about Bush's competance...some people will just never "get it" and refuse to see the other side of the arguement.
Why am I paying $200
8) Clearly you aren't paying for it.
for equal graphical and gaming capabilities?
9) As a PS1 fan, and possible PS2 owner, you should have realized how the PS1 kept getting better and better looking games through it's life. Same with PS2. This despite the fact that everyone though the console were maxed out after two years. I personally would also argue that the PS2, while always graphically inferior to the Xbox, saw a much greater improvement over it's lifetime than the Xbox showed. It is illogical to ignore history and just assume that the PS3, which is harder to develop for and suffered serious delays issues, is going to be maxed out from day one.
How can developers get to know the system, be familiar with it, and make games that PROVE the PS3 to you under these conditions. Yes, that is Sony's fault. No doubt. But Sony's mishandling of the PS3 isn't really the issue. The issue is the misconception that the PS3 isn't proving itself graphically superior despite the extra money. But I will refer back to all my points to explain both the graphical complaints AND the price tag.
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