Nintendo-I expect them to reveal the Wii U no doubt and finally show what it's made of. Perhaps we will see some games demo'd on it and get an idea of what kind of hardware it will be and controller it will have. I think they wil also go into detail of their online service that they said they will improve this time. I expect either them or Sony to be the winner.
- Nintendo has the momentum going into E3 but they'll have to do better than last year to "win" E3. I don't want to see titles that are possible on the Wii and lying about 3rd party software that's running on 360 hardware.
MS-You can expect Halo 4 and some more Kinect games no doubt. I also expect Bethesda to announce their DLC at MS press conference as it will be on the 360 first for a month and MS will try to ride that off as an exclusive feature, same goes for Activision and COD, I expect them to be at MS conference as wel and for MS to try and make it look like COD is exclusive to Xbox. MS already said there will be no new Xbox to be revealed this year so don't get excited about the 720 yet. Beyond that it is a huge mystery, let's hope it's no repeat of the distasters that were the last 4 years in a row.
- You're forgetting about teh Summer of Arcade.. I'm sure they'll be a few gems, in the sea of Casual, for the core fans.. but I don't see them winning anything.
Sony-There is no doubt they will show off more of their games this year, including gaemplay of The Last of Us and more about PS All Stars. Hopefully we will get to see more charecter announcements for All Stars at E3, I honestly expect several 3rd party developers to come out and announce some of their charecters for this game, I'm also expecting FF charecters to be announced as well for All Stars. Beyond that we will see more God of War and I expect a strong focus on the Vita. I also expect to see Kevin Butler. I doubt there will be any next gen system talk from Sony. Either way Sony might be the winner as well because they have a ton of great games to show off.
- Not too sure about Sony.. What will they show that they haven't already revealed? This one is a wild card.
So what do you think? Who's E3 are you most excited for and the least excited for? What are your predictions?
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