@Vatusus: Sony: Jet Moto trilogy remake/new game, Twisted Metal, Spyro the Dragon trilogy remake/new game, Legend of Dragoon reboot, MediEvil reboot, Infamous sequel,Until Dawn sequel/spin off, Resistance 4, new sucker punch IP
Nintendo: new mainline FE game for console (Tellius 3 would be fantastic but will never happen), new Metroid, new F-zero, a GOOD Star Fox game that mixes the adventure and third person combat of Adventures with the classic Star Fox gameplay
Microsoft: new IPs, new IPs, new IPs. More variety in their games- gameplay, direction, artstyle. Less milking of Forza and Halo. More exclusives on quality level of Uncharted, Last of Us, Zelda, Mario Galaxy, etc and less on the level of Recore, Quantum Break, Scalebound, etc
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