Poll Your favorite MGS game? (42 votes)
METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION Vol. 1 will release in autumn 2023! Keep your eyes on us for more details. 👀
— METAL GEAR OFFICIAL (@Metalgear) May 24, 2023
You can check out the teaser site HERE: https://t.co/NjfLczFmEY#MetalGearSolid#MGSVol1#MG35thpic.twitter.com/lkAwFQvGSE
Fans got what they've been finally waiting for - an MGS 3 remake announcement! Personally, mine is still the original MGS! Was never a huge fan of MGS 3. Didn't care about the survival aspects or the jungle gameplay. Pacing was also meh compared to MGS. They also stripped out what made the previous two games great - the 'philosophical' themes. MGS was was about not being beholden to your past. MGS 2 prophesied the dawn of the Information Age. MGS 3 was about... a guy and his mentor?? Anyway, I digress.
How about you, SW? What is your favorite MGS game?
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