MGS3 has the best ending IMO.It really annoyed me when I found out about the Boss.
The Darkness also had a brilliant ending as did PoP:TS.
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Isn't it creepy that we have the same avatar? I didn't steal yours, but it is a funny coincidence.:lol:
Back on topic, I'd go with Assassins Creed.
Unreal 2 Ending Part 1
unreal 2 Ending Part 2
unreal 2 Ending Part 3
MGS3 has the best ending IMO.It really annoyed me when I found out about the Boss.
The Darkness also had a brilliant ending as did PoP:TS.
The Metal Gear Solid Series have the best endings, imo, especially MGS1.
The Final Fantasy Games are a good second.
SotC is third.
MGS4THQ88I thought it was going to be awesome, but it sucked... I mean, it really did suck. I was expecting much better. *SPOILERS!* Everything was so long and drawn out that I just stopped caring, and wished for the game to just end. I thought Big Boss was never going to die. *END SPOILERS!*
I'll go with Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Libery, Super Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Paper Mario, God of War II, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and a few others. BioShock's final monologue with Andrew Ryan was flipping sweet... The very end, however... Not so much.
lol you gotta watch that
Unreal 2 Ending Part 2
you killed my you die lol...that guy was supposibly on ur team.
Makes me sad legend entertainment who made unreal 2 the awakening went out of business :(
The game might of not reinvented the fps genre, but it was the only fps that made me want to keep playing untill i beat it. i beat that **** in one sitting like 6 hours.
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