(You could argue this thread doesn't fit in SW, but as it's about the enjoyment of one of the most influential games in MS' position in the console race I think it's valid enough to discuss)
So. Halo 3 players... I know there's a few of you out there... What are your Halo 3 highlights so far? if you post campaign spoilers, please use spoiler tags.
Here's a few of my Halo 3 highlights:
[spoiler] Every damn awesome Scarab fight in the campaign, especially the first. [/spoiler]
Getting a plasma nade stick on Construct as I fell down a few levels past a guy
Getting a double kill from a plasma grenade stick on a guy in Narrows
Mancannoning on Narrows to land on a guy's head, who I then melee'd.
2 people from my team and 3 from the other team all getting into the opposite mancannons on narrows at the same time and only one person surviving the clash
Playing a forged map called Organ Trail, where Sandtrap has been editted so one of the underground bits is totally fortified but for the entrance. So much awesome fun. "Hell's Janitor!"
My first game of Rocket Race on sandtrap today. Flying spinning mongooses!
Beating down a tank with the flag in a Multi-flag CTF on Valhalla
Multi-team Swords on Isolation. Hilarious.
Flipping the Elephant in Forge mode
My first ever mongoose splatter
Getting "Vehicular Manslaughter" medal on Big Team Slayer on Last Resort
So. Who else is having fun, and with what? :D
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