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Sonic Lost World. I thought it was going to be a Colors 2, but no, it played like a shitty attempt at a Mario or Donkey Kong game, with all of its stop and go level hazards and gimmicks. The only Sonic thing about it were the throwbacks to classic enemies and tropes, but it was a pointless gesture since the game, not only sucks, it plays nothing like a Sonic game at its core. Even playing it without the terrible tablet controls and mini games on the PC didn't make much of a difference for me on a second playthrough.
The Order 1886, was hyped with the first teaser they had shown. Was a mess ever since. It could have been really great, so much potential lost. Oh well.
Whilst it is by no means a bad game, have to go with Halo 5. As a massive fan of the campaigns, this one was just so underwhelming & mediocre. It felt like 343 spent more time on the MP and forgot about what makes Halo campaigns so awesome.
Hopefully Halo 6 rectifies it.
Order 1886. I loved the concept of the Knights of the Round Table fighting werewolves and vampires in Victorian London. Despite its amazing graphics, the story left too many things open, the overuse of QTEs with the werewolves was disappointing, the collectibles weren't worth collecting (outside getting the plat), and it was way too short.
Probably MC Collection as it was botched to hell and back with respect to matchmaking and multiplayer/parties. Not even free maps and ODST can save face.
I had so many upsets thru every single generation.
Last gen definitly was Diablo 3 ... Oh god what a mess that was.
This generation i havent played something that dissapointing to be honest. The games i liked and bought , more or less , delivered.
Arkham Knight
Fallout 4
Watch Dogs
Super Mario 3D Land
The Order 1886
.....and I'm probably missing a few.
I have to say I did not expect to list the game I'm going to list now as I loved it in the first few sessions I had and that game is AC Unity.
I loved it at first, beautiful aesthetics and animation is arguably some of the highest quality animation. that you can find in an open world game .Its so stylish lol .
But here goes the negatives which are: the parkour mechanic does not work well and the controls are often leading you to jump somewhere else instead of the platform you want to jump on. Not to mention the jump button was removed and the character just automatically jumps to grab certain platforms that I did not want him to grab. The jump button is primarily synchronized with the climb up input and the parkour itself is even more streamlined and simplified and of course it's a sacrifice needed to be done to get those type of animations I think. The combat itself is not that fun and there is a delay in the controls whenever I pressed attack I had to press it multiple times to get the character to attack so huge input lag. The map itself is riddled with pointless side quests and it has so many icons that you can barely keep up which mission is which and it's just repetitive filler content to pad the game and make it feel like it's over 20 hours when it's actually really short. The story itself is uninspired and the characters are just terribly voiced people who sound English . I expected French English if you know what I mean lol.
Conveniently I just played my most disappointing game in a while, Dark Souls 2. I've played every other game in the series, and actually just got done platting Bloodborne and still wasn't bored with the formula so I thought I'd go and get the only game in the series I haven't played yet. I traded it back in literally the next day, I hated it so much. I was disappointed with it for many reasons, but mostly because the combat in the game was so goddamn awful I just couldn't stand to play it anymore. I thought it might be that I was just too used to Bloodborne-style combat, so I went back and played Demon's for comparison, and nope, it was still fuckin terrible. It felt like I was playing a PS1 game at times. Maybe in a few years I'll go back and be able to give it another go, but I couldn't force myself through that shit right now.
Second would be Star Wars Battlefront. I didn't play a ton of it, but from what I did it felt like they couldn't give a shit about anything that people actually liked the series for and just made some generic, mindless shooter with fucking vehicle powerups. I'm not even saying the original Battlefront games were amazing or the pinnacle of creativity but I couldn't find a redeeming quality in the new game apart from the graphics.
Definitely agree with Hotline Miami 2 being a let down. First Hotline Miami was a work of art. Probably one of the best games of all time with it's brutal adrenaline fueled combat and simplistic story. HLM2 went in the complete opposite direction, but not even in a fun or clever way. It's now a shooter, but the shooting sucks. The story was much more explicit, but now it's an annoyance instead of a curious draw for the player. And that ending...holy shit. I don't think I've ever seen a development studio go up its own ass so far in making an ending. It was simply pretentious schlock that felt completely pointless and satisfied no one.
It's Pillars of Eternity, actually.
I still liked the game and finished it. I like its thoughtful rewriting and reallocation of rules that the game is inspired from. I also liked the fascinating little world it built.
It's just that it only really managed to capture the look, feel and memory of the games that it's inspired from, rather than capturing the clear vision and direction that made each of Planescape: Torment, Baldurs Gate 2 and the Icewind Dale games great in their own right. It was as if the game was just checking all the boxes in what the old IE games had and we got a rounded game with half-baked exploration, tacked on dungeons, a mostly unremarkable cast with little to no drama, a rushed, forgettable antagonist, a 3rd act exposition dump of all this religion/philosophy.
It didnt help that I had expected more from the game after hearing the reception from friends, reviews, impressions from here/other places and even youtubers. It was also Obsidians Independent project where they had alot of creative freedom to do whatever, but it just ended up being their most safest and unambitious game when compared to their games under publishers we love to shit on. We also ended up with a game I personally dont think is as good as NWN2, or its excellent MotB expansion; games Obsidian already made that are arguably better qualifiers for their outlined Kickstarter goals.
I have no real beef or buyers remorse for the game, like I said, I still liked Pillars of Eternity. I'm glad it exists as the studio found their footing after being in abit of trouble and I'll remember it for that. I'll remember it for being a good foundation. I'll remember it for being Obsidians most polished release. I'll remember it for being a contributor of the cRPG resurgence, I'll remember it for being one of the better Kickstarter success stories, but I'll also remember it for being a forgettable and uninspiring game, overall.
Bungie: 'huge open game with free planet exploration, develop our ship, every place in the distance is explorable, etc, etc'
In reality it turned out to be a linar game, full of invisible walls, 4 or 5 planets with closed pathes, the only way we interact with out ship is by looking at it during the massive loadings, copy/paste environments, no reason to explore, etc, etc....
Wow alot of MGS5 and Arkham Knight votes.
Arkham Knight- I was fresh of just beating Arkham City when I grabbed AK for $20 at GameStop. I agree with people that the Batmobile was not used right during missions. But it shouldn't have ruined the game.
MGS5- Overall I'm enjoying it but it's definitely flawed. The Afghanistan map is awful and just a big boring Rock. Africa map is a little better but still a empty wasteland. It's seems all I'm doing is extracting people, some variety would be nice.
@Star650:"I have to say MGSV. gameplay wise it is the best in the series, story wise not the best. "
So it's story over gameplay for you?
No, the story for me is important, but MGSV felt like just missions put together without purpose unlike previous games. I'm not asking for a 30 minute cutscene just a good story to keep me interested. like you said it is like extracting people and the map is empty not to mention the side ops get repetitive.
Didn't stop me from replaying the game multiple times.
Yeah, the story of rebuilding and revenge was clear from the trailers. The game actually feels incomplete as Kojima wanted to do more but Konami wouldn't allow it.
Arkham is definitely up there but I would say Infamous SS to me. It was a good game but I was expecting more from it and for whatever reason it didn't live up to the high expectations I had for it.
Fallout 4 - this would have been a great opportunity for Bethesda to bring out a new engine, but we get the same janky shit that has been afflicting Bethesda games since Oblivion, its just getting harder and harder to tolerate as other open world games improve, and it didn't have strong enough RPG/story elements to make up for it.
MGSV hands down. Never played the series before but after all the 10s it got and awards gave it a go and fu%*Ing hated it!
Story was so stupid and was just a grind.
Just another example of the flaws in game reviews. Not to mention most reviews said it didn't matter if you were new to the franchise.
That developer is so overrated, and feel it was all sympathy from the Konami divorce, and how it was handled.
It was a 7/10 all day.
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