Anyone answering anything other than PC is a blithering buffoon willing to waste their hard earned money on archaic technology and vastly inferior hardware.19852239
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Anyone answering anything other than PC is a blithering buffoon willing to waste their hard earned money on archaic technology and vastly inferior hardware.19852239
PC: DOTA II. As a League of Legends addict, I'm very curious to see what the next installment of the original game that started it all will do to push the genre.
Xbox 360: Minecraft (to play with all my 360 friends) and Halo 4
Wii: Nothing that I know of.....
PS3: Seeing as how Uncharted and INfamous came out last year (the only 2 franchises exclusive to Playstation I actuallly like) I don't see myself playing any exclusives on it. All I can see are a bunch of Boring JRPG's, Twisted Metal, (meh to the max for me) and The Last of Us, which honestly just looks like Left 4 Dead, Dead Island, Dead Rising, and all the other zombie games I've already played. Ill spend 10x more time on Halo 4 than any PS3 exclusvie this year.
I just hope DOTA 2 doesn't have a douchebag community like LoL. Pisses me off when people who play the "try hard" champions on LoL like Caitlyn who take 0 skill to play as and they call people noobs when they think they are bad ass.
Prepared to be disappointed, there's douchebags in the game as well, but like LoL there are some nice people as well. As long as you play with your friends they don't matter.Xbox 360: uhhhh Project Draco? No idea, 360 has no exclusives worth a damn for me
3DS: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
Wii: Xenoblade, I guess
PS3: Final Fantasy Versus XIII and The Last
Vita: Gravity Rush
PC: Dota 2 and Dead State
I am wanting KoA and the Jak collection right now. Not sure which I'll pick up, if either, though. I'm thinking of getting Jak, because at least I know those games are fantastic.
I'm not in the loop as far as games coming out this year. I did mess around with a Vita at the store earlier. Pretty damn nice little system.
Sir your Ps3 list has to be taken down in order of the senate. Vaporware is not allowed.Xbox 360: uhhhh Project Draco? No idea, 360 has no exclusives worth a damn for me
3DS: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
Wii: Xenoblade, I guess
PS3: Final Fantasy Versus XIII and The Last
Vita: Gravity Rush
PC: Dota 2 and Dead StateAljosa23
Anyone answering anything other than PC is a blithering buffoon willing to waste their hard earned money on archaic technology and vastly inferior hardware.19852239.
PS3: SSX. Been waiting since 2003 for another good entry in this series.
360: Mushihimesama HD. One step closer to completely eliminating the need to use a swap magic disk on my PS2.
[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]Wut? Oh yes, Risen 2 on PC. The first Risen was pretty awesome.[QUOTE="GiantAssPanda"]Well, I'm most looking forward to playing Risen 2 on PC.GiantAssPanda
Wut? Oh yes, Risen 2 on PC. The first Risen was pretty awesome. And my point was that anyone who bought the game for 360 was wasting their money. It looked horrible, ran like s*it and apparently many people couldn't even complete the game because of game breaking bugs that were nowhere to be seen in the PC version. And since the same external studio is responsible for both 360 & PS3 versions this time around, it doesn't look good..[QUOTE="GiantAssPanda"][QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
Xbox 360 - Witcher 2, Fable Journey, Mass Effect 3 KINECT, Skyrim DLC, Alan Wake 2, Project Draco, Ryse, Dust Elysian Tale, Bloodforge, Halo 4
PS3 - Ni no Kuni, Dragons Crown (multipltforms)
Wii - Last Story
PC - Kings Quest remake, some more 2D adventures
3DS - Bravely Default
And my point was that anyone who bought the game for 360 was wasting their money. It looked horrible, ran like s*it and apparently many people couldn't even complete the game because of game breaking bugs that were nowhere to be seen in the PC version. And since the same external studio is responsible for both 360 & PS3 versions this time around, it doesn't look good..GiantAssPanda
Probably won't be as bad.
[QUOTE="GiantAssPanda"]And my point was that anyone who bought the game for 360 was wasting their money. It looked horrible, ran like s*it and apparently many people couldn't even complete the game because of game breaking bugs that were nowhere to be seen in the PC version. And since the same external studio is responsible for both 360 & PS3 versions this time around, it doesn't look good..waltefmoney
Probably won't be as bad.
Don't count on it. The fact is, Piranha Bytes is only developing the PC version and console versions are under development by some random external team. So yeah, they might be not as bad as Risen 1 was on 360, but I doubt they'll be great.[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Oh yes, Risen 2 on PC. The first Risen was pretty awesome. And my point was that anyone who bought the game for 360 was wasting their money. It looked horrible, ran like s*it and apparently many people couldn't even complete the game because of game breaking bugs that were nowhere to be seen in the PC version. And since the same external studio is responsible for both 360 & PS3 versions this time around, it doesn't look good..[QUOTE="GiantAssPanda"] Wut?GiantAssPanda
It was only their first console game, now with their experience will have far less issues of course
"Risen 1 was started as a PC-only development, which means that the conversion afterwards into an Xbox 360 game was quite a challenge," he admitted. "For Risen 2 we have all three platforms in parallel development, so each platform should get the best result possible."
And my point was that anyone who bought the game for 360 was wasting their money. It looked horrible, ran like s*it and apparently many people couldn't even complete the game because of game breaking bugs that were nowhere to be seen in the PC version. And since the same external studio is responsible for both 360 & PS3 versions this time around, it doesn't look good..[QUOTE="GiantAssPanda"][QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"] Oh yes, Risen 2 on PC. The first Risen was pretty awesome.
It was only their first console game, now with their experience will have far less issues of course
"Risen 1 was started as a PC-only development, which means that the conversion afterwards into an Xbox 360 game was quite a challenge," he admitted. "For Risen 2 we have all three platforms in parallel development, so each platform should get the best result possible."
PB is developing the PC version, some random devs the PS3 and 360 versions. PB isn't interested in console development and the decision to bring the game to consoles and outsource it to another studio was the publisher's. I'd take that comment with a grain of salt. Sure they have more time to develop this time around but they've at least twice the amount of work this time around with 2 versions. PB only needs to focus on the PC version. It's not looking good for the console versions..PB is developing the PC version, some random devs the PS3 and 360 versions. PB isn't interested in console development and the decision to bring the game to consoles and outsource it to another studio was the publisher's. I'd take that comment with a grain of salt. Sure they have more time to develop this time around but they've at least twice the amount of work this time around with 2 versions. PB only needs to focus on the PC version. It's not looking good for the console versions..GiantAssPanda
Getting it for Xboss most likely. I played the original on PC, but I doubt I'll be able to run this one.
Xbox: nothing (stopped benig hyped for halo since pt 2)
PC: nothing
Xbox 360: Alan Wake: American Nightmare
Wii U: HD zelda... or better yet an HD cel shaded zelda :D
Vita: Gravity Rush
3DS: Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion 2
PC: Grim Dawn, if it's coming in 2012 otherwise Diablo 3
PS3: I would say The Last Guardian but no way is that game coming this year so The Last of Us
Wii: ...
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