November: Skyrim, MW3 for sure... possibly Halo Anniversary, LotR, WWE 12.
December: SW: ToR, possibly some of the above games... and whatever my budget will allow for Steam games that will be on sale 8)Karnage108
Is Lord of the Rings War in the North actually supposed to have promise or you just getting it cause your a LOTR fan?
Definitely that... nah not really, :lol: That would explain why I was interested in it the moment I heard of it, but the idea of a Action/RPG LotR game with multiplayer co-op sounds awesome if executed right. I don't know much more about the game other than that, so I'm waiting for reviews to see if it's even worth hyping.
There's a solid developer behind it too in Snowblind. Last game they made was in 2006 though so I wonder what they've been up to.
Looked them up. Seem decent. They made Justice League Heroes in 2006 and some XBLA game called Death Tank in 2009. Can't really comment on their quality cause I know nothing about either of the games. Anyway, I hope they do well but I presonally think that releasing their game in november was a big mistake.....Financially that is.
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