1. Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
My favourite game of all time so nostalgia does play a part in why I rate this game so highly, I can appreciate its not aged well and the long awaited remake is needed for newer gamers to play it. The Pre Rendered backgrounds still look ok, but those character models may be too blocky for newer gamers who didn't play the game back in 1997 to tolerate.
What makes this game is the characters and the world you inhabit, every single thing about this world was fascinating. I wanted to see what every NPC had to say, master each piece of Materia to see what it does, fight every enemy, do every possible side quest because the world and all characters were so dam loveable. I had to visit every town possible, and explore every inch of the world.
Gotta love it when a game gets the Villain right, Sephiroth was an awesome Villain. He was portrayed as infinitely powerful, and in most his appearances in game he was barely acknowledged you as he kept working towards his own goals. You were pretty much ignored most the game by him because you were weak, an insect in comparison.
The Music helped as well, the greatest soundtrack to a game I've ever heard there are so many moods conveyed perfectly within the Soundtrack. The gentle sounds of Aeries and Tifa's theme, to the fun theme of the Gold Saucer, then you have the awesome boss battle theme and the epic EPIC "One Winged Angel".
I always completely get lost in the world of Gaia every time I play this wonderful game, its full of flaws but once you get immersed, you will become blind to them.
2. Mass Effect 2 (360)
The Suicide Mission!! Holy moly that suicide mission filled me with so much emotion, you spend hours of your time recruiting your squad, bonding with them and convincing them to join you on a mission your not likely to come out of alive. I love the whole Mass Effect series for the many of same reasons I like Final Fantasy 7, the characters and the world you inhabit make this game much like Final Fantasy VII. Towards the end of the game you really care about your team and want to succeed and save the galaxy. If a game convinces you to give your all to save the galaxy its doing it right.
The diverse and huge amount of Alien races was fantastic, races like the Turians, Batarians, Krogan, Asari, Elchor, Vorcha all were well designed with deep history and culture that's so interesting you need to learn all you can about them. I used to spend a good hour listening too all the data entries in game about each Alien Species and everything else about the Mass Effect Universe. Seriously the Mass Effect Universe is more interesting than Star Wars and Star Trek and should be milked dry, I'd lap it all up.
3. Skyrim Modded (PC)
Another game were the world you inhabit and explore is its strength, A common theme here in games I like. Skyrim Modded version is only this high in the list because there is nothing better than exploring a huge land with my group of followers as we get into all kinds of trouble. We kill dragons, dinosaurs, wizards, steal from houses, go to jail then break out, talk to many interesting NPC's who are often oblivious to what's happening around them. Skyrim with the balls modded off it looks beautiful and is great fun.
4. Super CastleVania 4 (SNES)
My favourite CastleVania game for one reason "THE CONTROLS" the controls are spot on, its so accurate and responsive. A new feature added to this game was the ability to swing your whip in all directions, a full 360 degrees. Just as hard as any other CastleVania game but it was fair, no cheap deaths due to shitty controls or level design that is trial and error, just you and the challenge. I remember playing Super CastleVania 4 when I was 11, on a late weekend night with the only light a faint flicker of my shitty 15" CRT TV, that night I finally beat Super CastleVania 4 and felt so proud.
5. Penumbra Black Plague (PC)
"Frictional Games" are the developer who made the Penumbra and Amnesia series, these games were the reason I decided to dive into PC gaming. I realized outside of the declining Silent Hill franchise, and Fatal Frame series only one Wii (motion controls means no play) there was not much horror games on offer from consoles. Watching You Tube videos of PC horror games got me excited, I seen videos on Cry Of Fear, Call of Ktulu, System Shock 2, Scratches, SCP Containment Breach,Outlast (this was late 2013 so was PC only at the time) & all of Frictional games offerings. This along with seeing GTA and Skyrm Mods was enough to make me dive into PC gaming.
So my favourite horror game on PC is Penumbra Black Plague, the atmosphere the game creates is tense and unsettling, I played this game with headphones at max volume so I'd jump at the slightest noise afraid of what lurks around the corner. Aside from the fear aspect there was a decent story behind it all including a M Nght Shyamalan twist towards the end. Also plenty of challenging physics puzzles that were well designed, making perfect sense, most the time common sense would lead you to the solution, not cryptic bullshit. Its just disappointing the final game in the Penumbra trilogy had nothing to do with the previous two and was just random physics puzzles.
Another 5 of my Favourite games for the sake of it, no write up on the following though
- Resident Evil Remake (Gamecube)
- Minecraft (PC)
- Fallout New Vegas (PC)
- EVO Search For Eden (SNES)
- Silent Hill (PS1)
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