So, a lot of good games have been released this year. All the systems had some good games. So whats YOUR favorite one? Doesnt matter what others think about the game, or what score it got. Heres my picks
360 GOTY- Warriors Orochi 2. I dont care If it got a 4 from GS, the game is pure fanservice and the review sucked anyway. With over 90 characters, I think I'll be playing this one well into 2010
PS3 GOTY- Metal Gear Solid 4. A pure masterpiece, and unlike the other AAAA game this gen this one deserved its rating. People complained about cutscenes, but I liked watching them. Amazing all around
Wii GOTY- No More Heroes. Wow, this was one cool game! Very original and hilarious, I'd recomend this to any gamer, As it alone kept my purchase of a wii justified in the first quarter of 2008
DS GOTY- Chrono Trigger. It might be a really old game remade, but even so, this was the best handheld game of the year, and one of the best rpgs ever created.
PSP GOTY- Bleach Heat the Soul 5. Yes its an import, but it is simply a stunning game, even my friends who hate anime love to play this. The best anime fighter since Budokai 3
PS2 GOTY- Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4. The PS2 refuses to die, and as long as games like this are coming out I will be supporting it. A simply stunning game and probably the last great ps2 game. Its a shame so many people will miss it since its coming so late in the Ps2's life, and its also a shame that GS likes to gives sequels a lower score than its predessecer, as this game deserves no lower than a 9.5
My overall GOTY is Persona 4, its funny how the best is on an old system :P. Anyway sorry if this was a little long, hope it was at least a decent read
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