Put some serious effort into online multiplayer exclusivity. The last time sony made an online exclusive worth playing was Socom 1, 2, and 3. (although 3 is debatable). These were on the ps2. Since then Sony has made ‘tacked on’ multiplayer games on top of a strong single player game that either seem forced, or just flat out bad. It’s hard to believe you still don’t have a game that can compete with Halo’s multiplayer.
Fix your controller. The dualshock was at one point innovative, but has stagnated since your competition has made better products.
Fix your online customer service. We haven’t heard about PSN being down for a few months which may mean you’ve fixed it, but your customer service still sucks. If I’m hacked (due to nothing on my part), don’t refund me and tell me it’s a one time thing. It was your fault I was hacked, not mine.
Kill Killzone. Seriously, it’s time.
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