- Forza 4
- Lost Odyssey
- Heavy Rain
- Red Dead Redemption
- Skyrim
- Kameo
- Too Human
- MGS4
- Uncharted2
- Gears 3
Then of course others like The Darkness, PDZ, GT5, Latest God Of War, Fallout New Vegas and Mirrors Edge are up there to
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I play video games to kill time until the next pokemon game comes out if not I play pokemon again.
I like this guy!
Agreed, but for 10-ish ones that I've played, as I still have lots to play:1. Super Smash Bros Brawl: Just wish the online was better, would have been perfect
2. Golden Sun Dark Dawn: Reviewers didn't appreciate it, it was a 9
3. Halo series: 3 in particular, Reach to a lesser degree
4. Zelda Twilight Princess
5. Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
6. Metroid Prime Trilogy
7. Bioshock 1 and to a lesser extent 2
8. Mirror's Edge
9. Assassins Creed Series
10. Just Cause 2
I would probably list the uncharted games, as 2 and 3 look spectacular, but I don't have a ps3, so I can't. I'm still looking forward to some other Wii titles I've missed like Donkey Kong Country, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Lost in Shadow and Okami, but haven't gotten around to them. I also hated COD even when everyone obsessed over 4, I found them fun, but nothing special and not ver engaging, whereas I found Halo much more challenging and fun. Gears of War had excellent controls, and excellent graphics, but I found the story to be rather forgettable, multiplayer lagged like crazy for me and I found Horde mode to be tedious and repetitive, much like Firefight is in Halo. I also highly disliked The elder scrolls 4 & 5, as well as Fallout 3 & NV, as the game started off being cool with all the stuff you could do, but after a while, (plus minus 20 or so hours) the game was incredibly repetitive and the main story was lost amidst the millions of tedious side quests which got to the point where I didn't care any more and just wanted the game to end. Haven't played mass effect 2 yet, but 1 was ok I suppose. There's other excellent games out there, we've been very lucky this gen, it's been spectacular, and I feel like I had the best setup of a Wii and 360, because there wasn't anything, apart from uncharted, that made me even slightly want a ps3, so I got all the 360 exclusives, multiplats, and the solid gold that came from the Wii this gen, which has Skyward Sword, and then we can look forward to Wii U.
PS3 and Wii owner, my friend has a 360 though.
1. Kirby's Epic Yarn
2. Halo: Reach / Halo 3
3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
4. Touhou Shinreibyou: Ten Desires
5. Sonic Colors (Wii) / Sonic Generations (PS3/360)
6. No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle / No More Heroes
7. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
8. Marvel VS Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
9. Street Fighter IV / Super Street Fighter IV 3D
10. Mega Man 9
Just as a counterpoint to my other thread. What are your very favorite console games this gen? The ones you will remember for years to come. This can include whole series rather than filling your list up with games from the same franchise.
1 - Bioshock 1/2
2 - Mass Effect 1/2
3 - Gears of War 1/2/3
4 - The Elder Scrolls Oblivion/Skyrim
5 - Batman Arkham Asylum/City
6 - Dragon Age: Origins
7 - Assassins Creed 1/2/Brotherhood
8 - Metal Gear Solid 4
9 - Uncharted 1/2/3
10 - Alan Wake.
Mass effect is better on PC, and so is elder scrolls, batman, and dragons age. Kinda hard to call those "console games"
I played them all on my consoles too :Dlotr conquest 360 > oblivion 360 > halo 3 > lotr witn ps3 > fable ii > star ocean iv 360 > doa 4 > lotr aragorn's quest ps3 > viva pinata > d&d daggerdale
even though it's a PC exclusive (this is a console only games thread), I'm surprised to see the whispered world in your list. Any chance you've checked out The Dream Machine yet? Overall - artistically, story-wise, and gameplay - I personally prefer it to the whispered world although TWW is a pretty awesome point + click adventure.[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
1. Dark Souls
2. Witcher 2
3. Fable 2
4. Fable 3
5. Fable Journey
6. Demons Souls
7. Whispered World
8. Alan Wake
9. Mass Effect 1
10. Skyrim
Soon Zelda SS will replace Mass Effect 1 place in 9. though
1. SMG 2. 2. Uncharted 2. 3.Assassins creed brotherhood. 4. Gears 1. 5. Batman Arkham city. 6. Vanquish. 7. Halo 3. 8. Vanquish. 9. Bayonetta. 10. Fallout New Vegas. Those are not in order btw.TheGuardian03I like how vanquish falls in your list twice.
I was a PC gamer for years, played almost every big advanture in existance and many minor ones too, my favourites are King, Space quests and quest for glory, loom, Discworld, Ecstatica etc
Also played older RPGs like The Legacy (amazing game), all Might and Magic RPGs, Lands of Lore etc
Whispered World is one of my best too, especially for its unbelievable art
Generally i am into fairy tale like games more than anything, that is why i like Fable and Zelda so much and Dark Souls art comparing to Demon Souls etc
Dream Machine does look cool, but i am so much into Dark SOuls and soon Skyrim and Zelda that i dont know if i will get it this year
Also you must check out Kings Quest remakes, brilliant stuff
Not in any certain order
There are some more I wish I could add but ill play by the rules.
2.Fallout 3
3.Red dead redemption
4.Gta 4
5.Bioshock 2
5.Fallout new vegas
7.Mass effect 2
8.Fifa 10/11/12
9. gta chinatown wars
10. Batman arkhyam asylum
I'm still on/yet to play some of the supposedly best games this gen so I won't make a list just yet, but what I will say is that Uncharted2 singlehandedly reinvigorated my interest in videogames. I'm a gamer from the NES era, and reached a point where games became more of a late night distraction before bed, but after playing that I realized how great game design could be in the right hands. For that reason I'd say Uncharted 2 is the best game this gen.(I still have to properly play the Galaxy series)
I don't think that these are the best games of the gen, but just my favorite.
1. Tales of Vesperia
2. Lost Odyssey
3. Valkyria Chronicles
4. Uncharted Series
5. Gears of War Series
6. Mass Effect Series
7. Fallout 3
8. Metal Gear Solid 4
9. Team Fortress 2
10. Halo Reach
1.Legend of Zelda twilight princess(love it)
2.Super Smash brothers( can play this for hours non-stop. the wifi sucks though)
3.Mortal Kombat(you get to rip people in half. enough said)
4.Super street fighter 4(shouken)
5.Dead Space Extraction( totally underrated game)
6. Mario Kart wii(it's pure fun expect when the bull shell hit you and you can't avoid them)
7.marvel vs capcom 3 (even though i loathed this game at first it grew on me. still not as good as 2 though)
8.Legend of Zelda phantom hourglass( not the best zelda but the most innovative one to date)
9.resident evil 5 (get to shoot zombies enough said)
10.tatsunko vs. capcom (another underrated game)
1 - GTA IV
2 - Fallout 3
3 - Oblivion
4 - Left 4 Dead 1/2
5 - Red Dead
6 - Dragon Age
7 - Ass Creed 2
8 - Deus Ex HR
9 - Alan Wake
10 - MAG
I must have really enjoyed myself this gen because I can think of at least 3-4 more games that rocked my socks.
11 - Mass Effect 1/2
12 - Halo Reach
13 - Infamous
14 - Rage (currently playing, so far I love it.)
1. Dark Souls
2. Metal Gear Solid 4
3. LittleBigPlanet 2
4. Super Mario Galaxy
5. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
6. Demon's Souls
7. Uncharted 2 (Not finished 3 yet so can't judge fairly)
8. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Same as above with Skyrim)
9. God of War III
10. Heavy Rain
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