Oh crap, it's a Necro thread and I forgot I already comment about it 6 months ago ^-^
as long as you didn't completely forgot about the games you posted back then :P
I saw it was a necro thread but ... eh
i've only played two games to completion this year.
Why did you revive a thread that's half a year old?
He didn't know. This happens all the time when no one bothers to look at the date.
i mean it was on the front page. i don't know how that's possible with a 6 month old thread.
i've only played two games to completion this year.
Why did you revive a thread that's half a year old?
He didn't know. This happens all the time when no one bothers to look at the date.
i mean it was on the front page. i don't know how that's possible with a 6 month old thread.
Did you search or something? Because here in System Wars, the last thread on the first page is only 1 day old, not 6 months xD
If it's just games I've played this year, not necessarily released this year I can do a top 3
1. Rust - late comer this, sank a few hundred hour in had a great time, latest update broke game for solo duo players so don't play now
2. South Park Featured Butt hole - it's basically more of stick of truth, which is great it feels like your in your episode of south park.
3. Fifa 18 - terrible game barely changed the single career mode since 2010, however I love football and still got a lot of enjoyment from this game.
Way too much of my gaming this year was playing rust
Not in order
Oh how 6 months changes things...
My original predicted top 10 in no particular order:
My up to date still subject to change top 10 with my top 3 being in order:
So far
10. Elex
9. ESO Morrowind Expansion
8. RE7
7. Nier Automata
6. ME Andromeda
5. DOS 2
4. TW Warhammer 2
3. SM Odyssey
2. AC Origins
1. Zelda Botw
So far:
Zelda is probably gonna be #1. I bought Mario Odyssey but I haven't started on it yet. All of these games listed I enjoyed.
No order because thats a pain
-Final Fantasy XV, I actually beat this in the first few days of the year. So it counts. Hella fun game.
-Fallout New Vegas, Much better than 3 though possibly below 4 for me. DLC was a bit underwhelming.
-Dragons Dogma Remaster, Possibly the best action RPG from gen 7. Happy for the remaster.
-Horizon Zero Dawn, Fantastic open world game with some interesting enemies.
-Persona 5, One of my favorite JRPGs of all time. Glad to have finally played a persona game too.
-Crash Bandicoot, Mainly just happy to have finished the first game. Those physic changes fucked me hard.
-Okami HD, Best ps2 game, fight me. Had to replay the HD version.
-Wolfenstein The Old Blood, Just beat this today. Very fun shooters with good stories. Arent too many of those these days.
-Skyrim Special Edition, The amount of time i've spent on skyrim is silly at this point.
-One Piece Burning Blood, We need more good anime games on the Xbox One. Hopefully enough copies sold this time around.
This is the 2017 games I've played extensively/beat. Except the last 3, these are games that I've tried several times to comeback but I just don't like them. Some games are missing but if I can't remember them...
South Park
Forza 7
Horizon ZD
Torment Tides of Numenera (PS4)
Dreamfall Chapters (PS4)
Zelda BotW
Mario Odyssey
Mario Vs Rabbids
Psychonauts VR
Resident Evil 7
Thimbleweed Park
Fast RMX
Sonic Mania
Mother Russia Bleeds
Mass Effect Andromeda
Not a top.
I can only think of three that came out this year and aren't a remaster and i really enjoyed
Persona 5,Nioh and Yakuza 0
I played every big release(sans nintendo) and they all bored me to tears or were big disappointments.
1) Super Mario Odyssey
2) The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Good lord these two games. So this is what happens when a big gaming studio puts 110% care, effort, and ambition into a project. I didn't think I'd see this in the industry again.
I think I should've played Nier Automata on hard. I still had fun though. Now playing - Wolfenstein II (harder medium)
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