Mine is:
3. GTA4 (it just felt boring compared to san andreas)
2. Mass Effect 3 (The ending made me want to bomb EA hq)
1. Final Fantasy X-2 (Seriously what the hell square did to Yuna
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what bad about the sith lords?[QUOTE="TerryBradshaw"]
2) Mass Effect 3
1) Dragon Age 2
It was improved in some respects from its predecessor. The rush to make it out for holliday season, resulting in unresolved plot lines and a completely unfulfilling ending, was an experience where I genuinely felt cheated.
3) Batman Arkham City. I didn't realize how bad this game was until a user on the forums pointed out that Batman's cape was blue instead of black. And then I realized how much of a shovelware phone-in Rocksteady made.
2) Grand Theft Auto 3. The previous 2 were top-down games but GTA3 ruined the entire series by turning it into third-person 3D and adding voice acting, plot, and characters.
1) Metal Gear Solid 3. The series had finally dropped its stupid macho pretense by replacing the unoriginal hack job known as Snake and MGS1 with the well-written Raiden and MGS2 but now it's starring stupid Snake again and set in the past and a jungle instead of cramped modern day corridors.
3) Batman Arkham City. I didn't realize how bad this game was until a user on the forums pointed out that Batman's cape was blue instead of black. And then I realized how much of a shovelware phone-in Rocksteady made.
2) Grand Theft Auto 3. The previous 2 were top-down games but GTA3 ruined the entire series by turning it into third-person 3D and adding voice acting, plot, and characters.
1) Metal Gear Solid 3. The series had finally dropped its stupid macho pretense by replacing the unoriginal hack job known as Snake and MGS1 with the well-written Raiden and MGS2 but now it's starring stupid Snake again and set in the past and a jungle instead of cramped modern day corridors.TheFallenDemon
I can't say much about the MGS series as I've never been the biggest fan.
- GTA IV. Lets strip out awesome content for some pointless MP. Smart choice...
- Mass Effect 3. Even if the ending didn't suck, the game could and should have been much better. Be it the plotholes, inconsistant theme, laughable at times dialogue, and lack of polish, the game should still be in development. The ending was just salt on the wound
- Skyrim. Never been this disappointed in a game. Whereas GTA4 and ME3 might have not lived up to the hype, they were at least enjoyable. Skyrim pissed me off most of the time
In no particular order:
Super Paper Mario - A great game in its own right, but a significant step down from the first two Paper Mario games. This is partially due to the RPG elements being near entirely dropped in favour of a 2D platforming approach. In its defence, though, it is probably the most well-written Paper Mario game; it has one of the best stories of a game this gen.
GTA 4 - Not a bad game at all, but this is the first GTA game which I think is not essential (if we don't count the PSP spinoffs).
FEAR 3 - Contrarily to most people, I thought FEAR 2 was a great game and almost on par with the original. FEAR 3 sent the series down generic shooter lane, though.
Ace Combat:assault horizon- so many reasons sure it was servicable but i missed the flair of the alternate world and the sillyness of superweapons.
GT5- felt hobbled at launch, felt like it was thrown together and honestly reeked of poor developement planning
Crackdown 2- Talk bout copy pasta.
For me, this gen:
Dead Space 2 (good game until the last 1/4 then just turned to s***)
Uncharted 3 (what a let down after 2)
Fable 3
I'd throw in Bioshock 2 too, but with Minerva's Den it's actually pretty good.
For me, this gen:
Dead Space 2 (good game until the last 1/4 then just turned to s***)
Uncharted 3 (what a let down after 2)
Fable 3
I'd throw in Bioshock 2 too, but with Minerva's Den it's actually pretty good.
100% agree on DS2, couldn't even finish it I was so mad at it.
*enters thread to look at all the FFXIII posts* *Is disapointed* *posts it* FFXIII /threadBibiMaghoo
Am I going to have to be the bad guy that points out that FFXIII is not a sequel?
marvel vs capcom 3 armored core 4 tekken 6campzor
I haven't played the first 2, but I highly enjoy MvC 3 very much. Great roster, awesome online (I get destroyed all the time) and easy achievies. I only picked it up for like 5 bucks online though, so I wasn't hyping it much.
[QUOTE="campzor"]marvel vs capcom 3 armored core 4 tekken 6immortality20
I haven't played the first 2, but I highly enjoy MvC 3 very much. Great roster, awesome online (I get destroyed all the time) and easy achievies. I only picked it up for like 5 bucks online though, so I wasn't hyping it much.
well for me the problems were mainly the cast/amount of. i think it came with like mid 20-30 characters whereas mvc2 had like 52 also.. the characters that they did decide to put in the game like x23, she hulk :| , nathan spencer and excluding guys like venom and gambit and thanosPhantom Hourglass- good game but the Temple of the Ocean King ruined it for me. If they had fixed it or gotten rid of it, this would be among my favorite games.
MW2- It's MW2. Need I say more?
And... that's about it actually. I've enjoyed most of the sequels I've played.
I will just count this gen:
Metal Gear Solid 4- Konami has basically vanidhed this gen and Kojima and his story telling and antique gameplay is getting tired. It is sad one of the most hyped dev teams out had to pawn off a game because they did not have the skills to make it.
Tekken 6- After Tekken 5 I expected greatness. Instead I got the worst fighting game of this console cycle. It looked worse than most PS2 and Dreamcast fighters and the new characters are generic as hell.
Crackdown 2- after the first one that game had a change to be something really good. It ended up being merely average. I got it for free so I did not get as disappointed as I probably should have.
[QUOTE="BibiMaghoo"]*enters thread to look at all the FFXIII posts* *Is disapointed* *posts it* FFXIII /threadcrimsonman1245
Am I going to have to be the bad guy that points out that FFXIII is not a sequel?
I see what you're saying, but I would argue that each entry is a sequal to the last, albeit in the different world with different mechanics. But if you want to go that route, which is fair enough, then FFXIII-2. It was considerably worse a game than XIII, it just didn't disapoint me as much, as expectations for me were lower.[QUOTE="immortality20"][QUOTE="campzor"]marvel vs capcom 3 armored core 4 tekken 6campzor
I haven't played the first 2, but I highly enjoy MvC 3 very much. Great roster, awesome online (I get destroyed all the time) and easy achievies. I only picked it up for like 5 bucks online though, so I wasn't hyping it much.
well for me the problems were mainly the cast/amount of. i think it came with like mid 20-30 characters whereas mvc2 had like 52 also.. the characters that they did decide to put in the game like x23, she hulk :| , nathan spencer and excluding guys like venom and gambit and thanosAhhh, I see the point, my problem was I never played the franchise before. 52 sounds much more fun. But for what it was, I enjoyed it, solid 8.
God of war 3- the last couple hours marred what was other wise one of the best games this gen
ME3- ME1 and 2 were awesome, ME3 was good but has the worst ending of any game i can think of
MGS4- ridiculous cutscenes, so many annoying characters, not enough gameplay
others SMG2, Burnout Paradise, AC Brotherhood and Revelations, Ratchet and Clank future crack in time, bioshock 2, killzone 3
3) Batman Arkham City. I didn't realize how bad this game was until a user on the forums pointed out that Batman's cape was blue instead of black. And then I realized how much of a shovelware phone-in Rocksteady made.
2) Grand Theft Auto 3. The previous 2 were top-down games but GTA3 ruined the entire series by turning it into third-person 3D and adding voice acting, plot, and characters.
1) Metal Gear Solid 3. The series had finally dropped its stupid macho pretense by replacing the unoriginal hack job known as Snake and MGS1 with the well-written Raiden and MGS2 but now it's starring stupid Snake again and set in the past and a jungle instead of cramped modern day corridors.Stinger78
I can't say much about the MGS series as I've never been the biggest fan.
I think he was joking, bro.
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