Breath of the wild, Witcher 3, Super Mario Odyssey, Red dead 2, animal crossing new horizons
Sekiro- Shadows Die Twice: Trash combat system. Totally broken lock on system. Completely breaks down once you encounter more than one enemy. Doesn't allow you to move camera. If by some accident you move the camera while locked on, it switches to another enemy during critical moments and you're fucked. The game is designed in a way that you have to fail a million times to memorize patterns of your enemies, only then you can defeat them. This gets old pretty quickly. The game should be difficult but it should reward the player for being intelligent instead of expecting him to die dozens of times to learn every time he faces a new type of enemy.
Dragon Age Inquisition: Terrible characters. Tactical view is broken and chore to use. All the complicated friendly AI behaviors from the original game are gone. Bioware was more interested in making every single community on earth happy that their person was included in the game instead of focusing on things that mattered, like gameplay, quests and storyline. Cutscenes are also locked at 30 fps and for some reason they look so choppy. I don't think they even run at 30 fps even though frame rate counter shows it at 30. Probably runs at 15 fps for some reason. Gameplay is silky smooth since the game isn't demanding but combat is so shallow that you don't wanna continue.
Wolfenstein games: Sandbox environment, dual machine guns, fast paced gameplay. Sounds like a recipe for a good FPS game. But for some reason it doesn't work for me in new Wolfenstein games. It's terrible. Garbage checkpoints, boring AF enemies, shallow levels. And that godawful story and piece of shit cutscenes that are long and take themselves too seriously. Just shut the **** up. It's hurting my head.
Far Cry games (haven't played 5th one so that doesn't count yet): These games aren't as good as we remembered them. Replayed them and they haven't aged well at all. Countless bullshit tower climbing nonsense. Garbage grinding. Terrible linear missions that make its open world design completely useless. Terrible story, terrible characters who always speak in riddles to sound mysterious and intelligent to create intrigue in the story but end up making you angry. Just STFU. Tell me who to kill. Enough with your chosen one and tattau bullshit.
Quantum Break: It was pretty underwhelming game. It wasn't received as Remedy's best game I know but it still disappointed me. Graphics are amazing. Gunplay is absolutely trash. Guns feel like water guns. TV show was garbage. Story itself was pretty good but it was ruined by lackluster and incredibly linear gameplay and TV show. Couldn't bring myself to start second playthrough even though there are different outcomes of the story. I was worried that this was the end of Remedy but luckily they redeemed themselves with Control. Now that game was kickass.
Quantum Break: It was pretty underwhelming game. It wasn't received as Remedy's best game I know but it still disappointed me. Graphics are amazing. Gunplay is absolutely trash. Guns feel like water guns. TV show was garbage. Story itself was pretty good but it was ruined by lackluster and incredibly linear gameplay and TV show. Couldn't bring myself to start second playthrough even though there are different outcomes of the story. I was worried that this was the end of Remedy but luckily they redeemed themselves with Control. Now that game was kickass.
Quantum break was better than control actually.
Sekiro- Shadows Die Twice: The game should be difficult but it should reward the player for being intelligent instead of expecting him to die dozens of times to learn every time he faces a new type of enemy.
Mikiri counters are 30 frame windows, and you have a beat all melee attacks deflect mechanic that you can't even do incorrectly (since late deflects become blocks), and you can't even handle a basic lock on correctly. The game rewards a player for being aware plenty, you're just making excuses for poor play.
Uncharted 4 - Didn't get why it got all those 10's. The first half is filled with cutscenes, the gunplay as always is horrible and the game only had 1 decent level. Again apart from UC 1 and 3, I hated Nathan Drake in this game along with his brother. Just listen to your wife once in a while you dumfuk.
Spider Man PS4 - People were praising that this game dethroned the batman arkham series, but I don't think so. In terms of lore, combat, story etc I think arkham asylum and city are superior to this game. The only thing I really enjoyed in this game was the traversal in the world.
Nioh - First thing, I really like the combat in this game. I even think this game has a better combat system than the souls games. Now that is out of the way, the game has boring characters, boring story, boring recycled environments and it is really confusing. The still don't understand the blacksmith mechanic in this game and even after finishing the game I still feel under powered. I really wanted to platinum this game but had to give up on it.
I can't think of any other games that I find overrated this gen so these 3 will do for now.
Sekiro- Shadows Die Twice: The game should be difficult but it should reward the player for being intelligent instead of expecting him to die dozens of times to learn every time he faces a new type of enemy.
Mikiri counters are 30 frame windows, and you have a beat all melee attacks deflect mechanic that you can't even do incorrectly (since late deflects become blocks), and you can't even handle a basic lock on correctly. The game rewards a player for being aware plenty, you're just making excuses for poor play.
Learn to handle an opinion man. Seriously, I find your attitude quite childish. mAkInG eXcuSeS, hIgH sTaNdArDs. Hippie bullshit.
Quantum Break: It was pretty underwhelming game. It wasn't received as Remedy's best game I know but it still disappointed me. Graphics are amazing. Gunplay is absolutely trash. Guns feel like water guns. TV show was garbage. Story itself was pretty good but it was ruined by lackluster and incredibly linear gameplay and TV show. Couldn't bring myself to start second playthrough even though there are different outcomes of the story. I was worried that this was the end of Remedy but luckily they redeemed themselves with Control. Now that game was kickass.
Quantum break was better than control actually.
Of course because it had male protagonist. Everything else doesn't matter.
Quantum Break: It was pretty underwhelming game. It wasn't received as Remedy's best game I know but it still disappointed me. Graphics are amazing. Gunplay is absolutely trash. Guns feel like water guns. TV show was garbage. Story itself was pretty good but it was ruined by lackluster and incredibly linear gameplay and TV show. Couldn't bring myself to start second playthrough even though there are different outcomes of the story. I was worried that this was the end of Remedy but luckily they redeemed themselves with Control. Now that game was kickass.
Quantum break was better than control actually.
Of course because it had male protagonist. Everything else doesn't matter.
Theres more than one gun. story is definitely better. theres many ways QB did better than control. control do have wierd bulletsponges enemies and easy most uninteresting combat in any of Remedy game.
Wolfenstein - Any of them, I tried to play one and my god what a boring and bland game play loop. The shooting feels awful and generic.
DMCV- It's not a bad game, but it's really easy compared to 1 and 3, and the puzzles are really bad. In the previous games I got a sense of being able to get lost, and have a sense of needing to explore, V doesn't give me that feeling.
Learn to handle an opinion man. Seriously, I find your attitude quite childish.
I can handle an opinion man, an opinion however is not beyond reproach. You don't know how to handle a counter-argument. Spin that anyway you like, you are making excuses for your own poor play. Plenty of action games expect you to work with the lock on and off, especially with multiple enemies where you should be letting it go more so you can create proper positioning. Given your complaining about it, it's not so much the game is being unfair or it has a broken lock on, as much as it is you aren't adapting and learning to begin with. A lack of intelligent play if you will.
Also you don't know what hippies are.
Learn to handle an opinion man. Seriously, I find your attitude quite childish. mAkInG eXcuSeS, hIgH sTaNdArDs. Hippie bullshit.
To be fair you're crying about the game being too hard so I'm not sure how seriously we should take this.
Uncharted 4: boring game that is basically the definition of a shitty Sony movie game!
Doom eternal: took the great previous game and turned it into shitty ammo sim/platformer!
Metro Exodus: bland open world game with shitty shooting!
Bloodborne: honestly don’t understand the craze for this game, no story klonky combat and difficult just for the sake of it!
MGS 5, terrible game in general!
In no order
God of War. This game just did not capture my attention at all.
Doom 2016. The endless amount of shut in a room with waves of demons, rinse and repeat got old way faster than I would've liked. I loved Doom 1, 2, and 3 and grew up with the original 2 games as the main games I played for many years. Not liking Doom 2016 was upsetting to me. I have tried 30 times to play the game, and I always just feel bored.
Wolfenstein TNO. Game was a cinematic shooter which felt like a CoD ripoff. I just did not enjoy it at all. I only made it like 2 levels in before uninstalling it.
MGS V- Again I enjoyed the first 4 games, but 5 just felt off.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The constant weapon breaking is enough to knock it down lower than it is. The game is brilliant outside of that, but I didn't enjoy the combat like in other Zelda games due to knowing I am going to go through 4 weapons in every group of enemies I fought.
Doom 2016 sucks tbh. Horizon Zero is worse than Far Cry 5 by a mile in gameplay and graphics. HZD has a somewhat better story tho.
Sekiro- Shadows Die Twice: The game should be difficult but it should reward the player for being intelligent instead of expecting him to die dozens of times to learn every time he faces a new type of enemy.
Mikiri counters are 30 frame windows, and you have a beat all melee attacks deflect mechanic that you can't even do incorrectly (since late deflects become blocks), and you can't even handle a basic lock on correctly. The game rewards a player for being aware plenty, you're just making excuses for poor play.
Learn to handle an opinion man. Seriously, I find your attitude quite childish. mAkInG eXcuSeS, hIgH sTaNdArDs. Hippie bullshit.
It defines him. Personal attacks, patronizing, and condescension are hallmarks of his replies. I've seen more than a few users make note of it.
It's too bad too, as he'd actually be good to debate with if he didn't have this consistent attitude of pseudo-superiority and immature mentality that if you differ from his opinion, you're stupid.
Definitely Champ.
Yeah, 30 frames is an eternity in an action game. Like in SF3 a standard parry is 10 frames and a red parry is 2 frames. And of course you have to account for high/mid and low against a far less predictable set of commands. Of if you want to compare to another 3d action game, a perfect Royal Guard in DMC games is 6 frames.
Point being, a 30 frame counter window is crazy generous for a defensive mechanic, that's a shit ton of active frames.
And yeah, needing to have the awareness to know when to toggle in and out of a lockon state is very common in these types of games.
Anyways, repeatedly eating shit to improve as a player isn't some wild concept. Some will have to go through it more than others. Comes down to your experience with action games, your reflexes, and if you're really getting hammered, your patience. It's understandable to get frustrated along the way and if you're simply not having fun, cool, that shits not for everyone. But once you start placing blame on the game, your chances of improvement go out the window. If you actually think you've mastered the games tool set and still think it's cheap, then best to move on.
Wouldn't even say all that about reflex or anything, most action games comes down to your ability to process information and then adapt accordingly. If you repeatedly keep falling for the same attack, with an active counter to it that's on you. So even if you get don't respond the first time (and no enemy has an attack quicker than 10 frames, which is reactable territory, plus they all have their own audio cue), you've seen something once and should be able to deduce what the animation looks like and which of your tools is best suited for it.
Especially in a game that undermines all melee attacks, where even if you miss time it, you'll still get a block.
For sure. Most of these action game enemies telegraph like crazy. Understandable to be caught off guard the first time (usually I'll fall for the slow wind up shit, end up dodging/blocking too soon), but once you know, it's on you.
I'll probably give Sekiro a go after this DMC binge play. General community seems to think it's tough as nails. But action jackson community seems to think not so much. Seen quite a few "hows it stack up to NG difficulty" with a whole lot of "eh, it's different, but lol no."
Outer Worlds definitely. I tried enjoying it so bad, but it just felt so unremarkable in every facet.
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