Achievements or trophies you unlock by playing through a game normally. Ones that you get for pressing the jump button, beating a standard level or pausing the game. They don't feel like real achievements. The only game in which those kind of achievements actually felt like real achievements was Catherine, because that game was freaking hard even on the "normal" difficulty setting.
Short single player campaigns that take about 8-10 hours to beat. I'm not gonna spend $60 on a game that I can beat within a week. (I'm looking at YOU Call of Duty.)
Tutorials that constantly get your way. I hate running along perfectly fine, and then having the game freeze on me so it can say "YOU SEE THAT ENEMY THERE!? YOU NEED TO KILL HIM BECAUSE HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU!!!! Press A to continue." Most of these tutorials that slow the game down only explain simple things that the average human being should be able to figure out on their own.
Games that lack a story. I have little to no motivation to continue playing a single player game if there's no story. It's the reason I hated Resistance 1 so much. The longest cutscene in that game was about 30 seconds long, and the protagonist had about 5 lines throughout the whole game.
The lack of good JRPGs in the market right now.
Those are only a few things. I could probably ramble on for a while about so many different things that I hate about the gaming industry today.
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