Really? If Twilight Princess and Windwaker are the types of games that make you lose faith in a series you must have some seriously high standards.
Come from the LttP, OoT, MM prime 8)
Anyway, I honestly gonna get flamed to hell but the thing I didn't like about WW and TP is the story. Way too predictable for me, not to mention the final battles were not good IMO.
Still, I'd consider WW to be miles better than TP, but besides the pretty graphs, it did nothing to impress me really. Oh yeah, and they forced me to speak to Tingle more than I would´ve like to. :x
: /Wind Wakers final battle was probably the best in any Zelda game... Twilight Princesses was average, not bad, but nothing great. Wind Wakers was fantastic though...
I agree but with opposite games. I thought WW final boss fight was good but not fantastic (just way way way too easy) *SPOILERS**I mean puppet Ganon was the only fun and epic part ( if that even counts) while TP had Puppet Zelda (though it was easy, incredible EPIC the first time i played it) It had beast Ganon, Horse back Ganon (EPIC!!) and the final fight.... The final fight wasn't that hard but was just pure awesome.
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