thats because the wii u is more powerful then the xbox360 and ps3 its already been confirmed , , by how much though is the question but that shouldnt matter cause ----- jee unless 720 and ps3 cost 600-900 dollars , we wont see this big of a leap that we saw in this gen from gc xbox ps2 dc gen ,,
common sense people , realism is already there , i dont see how much further you can push that envelope , im satisfied with wii us ps3s 360s visuals as it is, i dont need any further that would just make development cost jump to high and cost to the consumer will go up to , think about it
if xbox 3 and ps4 , offer twice the power -which most gens offered, sony would charge at least 750 , microsoft may be nice and charge 500 ,
if a vita costs 300 already , a 360 still retails for 300-400 , a wii u cost 300 there is no way a 720 is going to match those prices ,
uh uh , , financial trouble if they did , because we know ms loves $$$$ profits ,
sony also cant afford to lose money next gen good luck nintendo doom sayers, because this gen youll need it! 3ds proving it right now !
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